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RE: The Old Dog Asks: If It's Presented As An Art Exhibit Does That Make it Good?

in #art8 years ago (edited)

I wonder what the artist wanted to say to the world with this piece:

Some modern art is just trash. Literally.

Funny thing is that there are people that buy this kinda 'artwork'.

Now let's compare it to something like his:

Or this:

I don't know man. I'm no art connoisseur but I kinda find it insulting to put Mona Lisa in the same category (art) with a toilet or a piece of poorly cut plywood.


What did the artist have to say? I get the impression he was an alcoholic who spent most of his time over a toilet; thus, created what he knows best.

I do know some hoarders who would just love that seconded one! Why it would fit right in if they found the room for it.

Great points and thanks for the photos!