
I really like your art style. I checked out your website, and i scrolled thru your blog here too. I think you kind of did what i was not able to do :D
Stay on subject, and continue posting in kind of the same way.
I think that could be a way of getting a ton of followers. Also i like your english. Sounds so clean. Especially cleaner than mine :D You have won another follower :)

Aw, wow, thanks a lot!
I really want to ensure consistency and quality, so it takes a while to create my content. Nevertheless, it is so rewarding - to finish and finally publish it. :)

My studies are completely in English, so in the past 4 years the language has improved a lot. I still have an accent, though, but it's not like I'm desperately trying to get rid of it, haha. Some people do and try to imitate the Queen's English or Received Pronunciation, but it's borderline ridiculous.
So you might as well embrace your "unclean" English!

True. Sometimes just for fun i make my accent stronger. Those times some people think i am russian :D

Haha! Where do you come from, and what's your native language?

I am from Hungary. My native language is Hungarian. I live in the UK since 2016 but i learned the language pretty young at 17 just because i was bored at highschool. And wanted to know more about the world. And the key was the english language combined with the internet. Also i did the whole thing alone with the old school way from proper translation books just learning a lot of words and trying to speak. It was kind of hard but i was fluent in 9 months. So i did something right i guess :D

Wow, you have an amazing perseverance! :)
Oh, I've been to Budapest, and I fell in love with the city. Honestly, I liked it much more than Paris.

I never went to Paris, my family was there once, they said the place is okay, but the people seemed kind of annoyed by everything , but it was in December between Christmas and new years eve :D soooo maybe that's understandable, they said the city itself looks amazing, but pretty similarly constructed to Budapest in some parts. I guess that is why a lot of movie creators just come to Budapest and make a CGI of the Eifel Tower later in the background :D They did it in Die Hard, and The spy, and countless other movies :D

Haha, yes, a lot of annoyed people in the world during that time of season. :D Yes, I also compare it to Budapest from architectural point, but Budapest is so clean, and neat, and charming! :) A lot less crowds, less noise, and less garbage, too.

So yea, Budapest is a stand-in for Paris, okay. :D

Yay!! Lovely to see you in front of the camera. You're a natural and you cat is so cute!! I look forward to seeing more videos from you. 💗

Thanks, dear, lovely to hear that! 😊