Pablo Picasso. 5 Interesting facts

in #art7 years ago (edited)
  1. At birth, Pablo was considered dead. He was born in 1881. The birth was heavy, and baby was born so weak that the midwife considered him dead. She left him on the table and went to tell his mother bad news. But the luck saved child – Pablo’s uncle, Don Salvador, smoked cigars, and when he saw baby lying on the table, he blew smoke in his face. The newborn grimaced and began to cry.

The Weeping Woman, 1937

2. The full name of Pablo Picasso includes 23 words.

At birth, the artist was named Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno María de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santísima Trinidad Martyr Patricio Clito Ruíz y Picasso.

3. First drawing.

At the age of 9, Picasso drew his first finished drawing - Le picador.


4. Picasso stole the Mona Lisa?

Actually, no, but in 1911, when the famous painting was stolen from the Louvre, police arrested a friend of Picasso, poet Guillaume Apollinaire. He pointed to Pablo as the culprit, after that Picasso was also interrogated. Fortunately, the information was not confirmed.

5. Cubism: a bunch of small cubes.

In 1909, Pablo Picasso and the French artist Georges Braque came up with a new trend in art, known as Cubism. But in fact it was invented by the French critic Louis Vauxcelles, who first called the works "bizarre cubiques" (strange cubes), or cubism, noting that Picasso's works are "full of small cubes".




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