Starving Artist to Thriving Artist

in #art6 years ago

Not a cent to their name.
Living meagerly.
Having sacrificed a ‘normal’ life to pursue their artistic endeavors.

The starving artist.

This idea is a living and breathing stereotype that is ingrained into our worldwide belief systems.
And it is severely damaging the creatives, the artisans and the ones who wish to make, create and express themselves artistically.
This was made by me!
Now I don’t believe in this tale at all.
I see people following their art dreams and creative goals and absolutely killing it!

None of that starving artist shit here.

The thriving artist.

Yes that’s what they are.

And I believe its because they truly believe in themselves and are 100% going for it.
It being their chosen art avenue.

Why is it that as children our creative pursuits are stimulated, encouraged and celebrated?

But as soon as we hit some kind of ‘youareanadultnow’ space, all of that is thrown out of the window and it’s time to get ‘serious’ and focus on what normalcy is in our society.

I say a huge fuck that!!!

I have always been one to move away from what society nearly demands from me.

I don’t believe I am made for it.
And I don’t want to be part of that system.

As always, freedom is the basis for everything I stand for and I am.

And this is exactly the same for my artistic journey.

Even in the short period that I have been publicly revealing my art, I’ve had a quite a few people say how tough it is to make a living in the arts.
And I ALWAYS call them out on their own bullshit because it’s not true.

I think it’s actually really really rude to express this ideology onto the people creating art.

Let’s break through this old energetical ways of thinking and move into spaces where art is supported, celebrated and enjoyed in every way.

Let’s celebrate individuals that have the guts to announce their art to the world.

Let’s change the story from starving artist to a thriving artist.

And finding it hard to believe in this ‘new’ way of thinking?
That’s the story (aka lie) that you are telling yourself.
Time to look inwards and see those blocks deary!

With a heart of art and love,

A Thriving Artist



Wooohooo!! Like that energy!! 🔥🔥🔥

Winny out... for now 😉

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