Congratulations you have been upvoted because you, or a friend left a post in the NewbieResteem Post promotion Box. Discord Chat channel post Promotion Box.
Stick to whatever you good at that the only way you will grow and be noticed on steemit
It can be a good thing, but I am sure they did not mean it 100%. You should always feel like you are allowed to break out of your mould whenever you feel like it. It is a wonderful drawing, and I hope you nailed it right because I like the saying "in like a lion out like a lamb" I just never like the lion part of the last gasp of winter, but spring is just around the corner.

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I @bashadow invite you to also click on the IFC Castle and learn about @apolymask and his game, be sure to tell them I sent you. As abh12345 has made lots of votes possible, apolymask thru his IFC game has made lots of fun possible.
Lots of votes made possible due to the kindness of abh12345 and his Steemit Curation Leagues