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RE: The True Meaning of Christmas for Anne and Sam

in #art7 years ago

Thank you for posting dear @englishtchrivy.

Lovely drawings and stories.

Your beautiful heart based story brought to mind the principle of 'Live and let live.....for when I let then I live.

The diamond bleujay is the precious treasure of eternal life from the Giver of Life...Christ Jesus.

He is the Gift that keeps on Giving....knowing Him gives capacity for life, love and happiness.

During the Christ-mas season....bleujay appreciates any opportunity to point to Christ our Saviour....with this verse.....For you see God loved the world so much that He gave His uniquely born Son that anyone whobelieves in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. It is 'Faith alone in Christ alone for Salvation.'

Spilled...... ^_^

Thank you mon ami.....A bientot.

Happy Christ-mas. xox


diamond picked and cherished!

exactly! sometimes, it's sad to watch how people go gaga about buying gifts and doing the grocery for the event - it's not what I was taught of as the real meaning of Christmas later in my adult life - in fact, it's that verse you just threw me away! and am glad many still do remember that ;)

Happy Christmas indeed and a prosperous New Year to come full of soaring cryptos :D

I wanted to include that verse but I couldn't remember the verse hahaha

am off, I posted early cause am going out on a date
have a great day mon ami and stay warm!