Volos drawing

in #art7 years ago (edited)

" VOLOS / VELES " ( 2018 Julian ), ( 7527 Old Slavic ) Digital drawing, 1683 x 2150 pixels

It was once a dream, a beautiful dream, when people and nature were ONE...Dear friends, I present to You my latest drawing dedicated to the Old Slavic god Volos / Veles, the protector of the animals and the guardian of the underground world.

Bio jednom jedan san, prelepi san, kada su ljudi i priroda bili JEDNO...Dragi prijatelji, predstavljam Vam moj najnoviji crtež posvećen staroslovenskom bogu Volosu / Velesu, zaštitniku životinja i čuvaru podzemnog sveta.52215ea2-479f-46b2-ab07-f61a9f34c0a8.png


Dear Artist @boban.mitrovic ! This post has been resteemed and upvoted from FineArtNow account ! See you soon !

Thanks a lot! :)

Great image Boban! I'll have to do some research on Volos. I know nothing of the Slavic gods.

Thanks a lot Leo! Volos is god of animals, half man half bull...This picture is how I imagine it, with a lamb in front of the cave that represents the entrance to the underground world. I got "infected" with Old Slavic gods a few years ago, and now I often dream of them at night. I suppose I love them because they connect people with nature.

Interesting, I must spent some time reading up a little on them. I see Volos, is also written up as Veles, but that's how it goes with many of these old gods, names and spelling vary.

Many years a go, I did a painting of Woden / Wotun / Wodenaz / Odin.

The name sometimes differs because of different dialect of the Slavic nations. Try to search Svetovid (the main guy with four heads, looking at four sides of the world), Perun( god of lightning), Jarilo ( protector of the plant world and spring announcer), Morana ( the goddess of death), Triglav, Mokos, Dazbog and many others. Each of them represents some aspect of life or natural phenomenon. Also, the name Slavs originates from the word "Slava", which means CELEBRATING NATURE. Old Slavs often carved wooden (oak) figures and sculptures with godlike image (idol) and kept them as amulet. Unfortunately the Christian church did not like them, so they were burned down by force...but they were not killed, because some Christian missionaries (ironic) wrote down everything they saw, and thanks to them there is a memory of the old culture....I 'd love to see your painting of Odin (I think it's old Norwegian god), if you saved it...

I was reading that old Slavic Pagan beliefs and practices continued for a long time out in the country away from the towns and cities. Some of the Gods and Goddesses even became "Saints".

Here is my Woden painting. This is over 25 years old.

"Woden", Leo Plaw, acrylic on canvas

Wow, this is a really great painting, and frame too...thank you for sharing :-)
Yes, many gods have become "Saints", Christian missionaries used all possible tricks to turn people into Christianity ( they were converting people from 6. to 10. century). They also burned old oak trees that were sacred for Slavs, but some of the oaks older than 1000 years have survived. My grandmother told me that as a girl she was playing around old oak near village where she was born (southern Serbia) .That oak was called "The Record" ( Zapis ). She told me that there was an old custom of burning dead people and spreading ash around the oak so that the tree absorbed the dust in itself so that the person (spirit) continues to live in a tree. And when someone got sick they took a branch from the tree and burned it in the house so that the smoke filled the house and pushed the evil ghosts out of the house. Also when they hear a bad news or need help, they have been knocking on wood ( tree) to wake up sleepy ancestors who live in the tree (wood) and ask for help...

I'm always fascinated to hear such stories and traditions. There are many projects all over the world where people are going to the elders to ask them about the old stories and knowledge to record it before it is lost. I think and feel that it is important to keep these things alive, because they keep us connect to the natural world. Without the natural world, we are not alive.

True, we are all in the mission...If you did not watch movie "Paradise Found" I can recommend to you. It's about Paul Gauguin and his fight to preserve old culture in Tahiti island. Thanks to him, the Tahitians preserved their heritage.

Such a beautiful drawing of the protector of the animals. I didn't know that such a god exists. I am an atheist, but I like this one. :-D

Thank You so much! :-) I am an atheist too, because I do not belive in religion that separates us from the nature (and ask for money ). But I believe in NATURE because it is real and I perceive it as a REAL CHURCH, a place of love and healing.. just as my old ancestors belived for thousands of years.

Yeah, i agree. :-) The nature is the true god. :-)

And it's completely FREE... :-)

Good that it is :D

great work - I am glad you noticed and upvoted my last post, so I checked - upvoted, resteemed and now following you!

Thank You very much Otto! :-)

Dobro dosli @boban.mitrovic, lepo je videti nove slikare na mrezi.
Evo male pomoci ako zelite da vas vide i ljudi sa naseg govornog podrucja, a ima ih :) U tag napisite srpski pa ce vam tekstovi biti vidjeni i od srpske zajednice ovde posto pisete i na srpskom jeziku. Takodje postoji i steemitbalkan gde su ljudi sa podrucja ''bivse'' drzave takodje.
Srdacan pozdrav, Dunja :)

Hvala Vam puno Dunja, nisam to znao... covek se uci dok je ziv :) Puno pozdrava !

Samo polako, tu sam za svaku pomoc ako treba. Videcete, za kreativce ovo je zaista lepo mesto.

Vec mi se svidja, mnogo je bolje iskustvo od Fejsbuka ! Napisah u tagu srpki a vidim da Vi na Vasim postovima pisete srbija (serbia)...jel to dodje isto?

Ne, ali opet se vidi pod serbia tagom. Pet tagova je dozvoljeno, art je najposeceniji pa njega stavljajte prvog. Pogledajte kod @thermoplastic kako on taguje neke svoje slike sa slicnim tematikama. POlako, sve ce to doci na svoje. Prva tri meseca sam bila izgubljena :) A ni sad neke stvari ne znam .
I ako moze da se ne vikamo :) Ovde je zaista opustena atmosfera medju korisnicima.

Hvala ti, jedva sam uspeo da postavim ovu naslovnu fotku..:)... bicemo u kontaktu, laku noc Dunja...:)

Polako, ima puno postova ovde i tutorijala na you tube, a i tu smo da pomognemo.

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Nice work :-)

Thanks a lot ! :-)

Изванредан рад, @boban.mitrovic. Идеш на листу српске језичке заједнице, побринућемо се да повећамо видљивост твојих радова.

Veliko vam hvala i puno pozdrava😀