@bobbybillbob Yes, it is. It's one of my first ones trying Kevin Hill's style more than Ross's.... but there is still some Bob Ross in those trees. Haha
Well, the Ross/Alexander technique starts with you covering the canvas with a thin white oil medium, then you paint over that while it's still wet (hence "wet-on-wet). Kevin Hill mainly paints right onto a dry canvas more like a traditional oil painter. He still does the wet on wet for his skies thought. His style of painting is generally softer looking and more realistic in appearance. Ross's style is very vivid and sharp everywhere. Here's one of mine in Ross's style so you can compare to the painting above.
@bobbybillbob Yes, it is. It's one of my first ones trying Kevin Hill's style more than Ross's.... but there is still some Bob Ross in those trees. Haha
Very nice! Can you explain how their styles are different. I'm not an artist. I just like being lulled into submissive bliss.
Well, the Ross/Alexander technique starts with you covering the canvas with a thin white oil medium, then you paint over that while it's still wet (hence "wet-on-wet). Kevin Hill mainly paints right onto a dry canvas more like a traditional oil painter. He still does the wet on wet for his skies thought. His style of painting is generally softer looking and more realistic in appearance. Ross's style is very vivid and sharp everywhere. Here's one of mine in Ross's style so you can compare to the painting above.

I like both paintings you've shown. I see the difference, though it's slight to my untrained eye :)