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RE: I promised I'll draw NED... Here It IS!

in #art8 years ago

Well done.

Frank Reilly was a great teacher who gave his students very practical information about the craft of making art. I didn't study with him personally, but some of my very successful artist-friends did, and I've been aware of Reilly for many years.

About 17 years ago, I moved to Los Angeles to draw and paint the figure at Associates in Art (now defunct) in Sherman Oaks, where they had some great models to work from. (I eventually taught figure drawing and portrait painting there.) Associates was steeped in the Reilly tradition which I understand was imported to Los Angeles from New York by Fred Fixler, and carried on by Mark Westermoe who ran Associates. There are many artists who have been positively influenced by Reilly, and his teaching method is truly worth exploring.


thank’s I’ve just recently found out about Frank Reilly, he was a genius! I hope that in the future we will see more artists embracing this style.
like your watercolors btw :)

Thank you. The Los Angeles Academy of Figurative Art carries on this tradition somewhat. (I taught portrait painting there, too, BTW.) There are many talented artists in LA who have been influenced by Reilly indirectly. The big thing at Associates was to work with Ritmo charcoal pencils on smooth newsprint. If you do some searching online, I'm sure you'll find many examples.