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in #art6 years ago

You know you’re doing something right when you get named in the same breath as @veryspider.

:time out: Sorry ya’all—I have to tell you this! I had accidentally typed “naked” right there instead of “named,” the one, freakish rare time autocorrect does not change it! I’m glad I caught that—whew! As I was saying..

If whatever it was we did @nagasonic talked you into turning your fantasy world drawing into a series then I’m glad we got ahold of you! 👍🏿 I think it’s a great idea—it’ll be fun to watch your progression.


Well @dandays no promises on a series, but I think I will do a couple more :). It does take some extra time to do the drawings, but despite that it's alot more fun to draw them than I thought :D.