Hello folks!
I didn't have a time to post more often...holidays are like loaded, sleep, repeat...and ofc I took a chance to be in the mountains...I fell on the ice like it was banana peel. I didn't break anything, but was in a pain....
So many things happened and that's why I didn't post during December.
Before New Year I went again to the National Museum to see the third floor here are my favorite pictures and sculptures. They are from 16th century till today
I didn't imagine David with the Head of Goliath like this
And this is Judith with the Head of Holophernes
The Grand Canal with Santa Maria della Salute by Antonio Canaletto

First photo is spot on!
kad nas posetis, obavezno i u muzej. : )
Dogovoreno :D
Vec mesecima zelim da odem u muzej i mislim da si me upravo naterala 😄
stvarno je sadrzajno, imaju nekih gresaka, ali uglavnom sve pohvale za postavke : ) javi utiske : )