A painting of my old Dog and bonfire night in England.

in #art6 years ago (edited)

A painting I made in the past of my dog, Sophie.


Here is the entire piece:

This is a painting in digital oil I did a few years back of my darling dog Sophie.

She has since left this mortal coil, but she always lives in my heart. And she is buried under a hydrangea at Toad Hall near the ashes of a matriach of Toad Hall, @winstonalden's Grandmother.

I really loved the play of light and shadow in this piece and I still have that orange French aubegere chair that you can sort of see in the top right corner. I used it here to offset the warm tones in the deep black shade to the warm tones of Sophie and the Sunshine.

As I've only had time to do two drawings since here (my studio things packed or en route) I figured sharing an older piece would be appropriate.

And as I spend each day with my English dog friend Ivan, I can't help but think of my own dogs, gone, or my sweet Monty, back at home with @winstonalden. I shall take Monty with me next I come, when we have a proper house set up. He and Ivan are somewhat friends, though the love is more on Ivan's side, as Monty only tolerates other dogs.

I also want to thank everyone for the lovely birthday greetings, it was much appreciated.

I actually was able to spend my birthday doing what I had hoped. That being that I said I would either want to be in our new home (were it found) or at the very least able to be in it and measuring rooms for furniture. And as luck would have it, our "HOPEFUL" new landlord, a topping fellow, was kind enough to let us in for the day, despite our still waiting on all sorts of paperwork that is required for me and my friend, who are both American's. We are lucky that the third in our party, taking the house, is a british subject, so much as been put upon him, even though he has not lived full time in England in over 20 years!

Let us just say, it has been an adventure thus far.

Tonight we will be going to our local village, hopefully to be OUR village (fingers crossed) for bonfire night or Guy Fawkes night. It'll be food and fun and fires and fireworks and a jolly time all round. The weather is fine and bright right now like a new penny, but we know England, much like New England, is a changeable creature who can give you rain and sun in a matter of minutes.

Honestly, I don't care what the weather is I am just that happy to be back in England that it matters little to me.

I am stealing a few moments now (roughly an hour or so) hanging with Ivan the dog, whilst my companions go shopping for sofa's I bowed out of it to get some sort of work done here. Of course in usual fashion we then lost our internet, but our airbnb host is such a sweet fellow, he solved it so quickly!

I have found that I am not taking enough pictures to share in posts and that is mostly as I am just having too good a time just Living the moments.

That can be a double edged sword, wanting to document to share with all of you, but forgetting in the moment. I think once we are settled into our own house and I can properly set up my England studio, I'll be more likely to document when I am out and about by myself.

Well, I hope you have a lovey day wherever you may be and a Happy Guy Fawkes day!

Check out my other posts, if you like, and by all means upvote, resteem and yes leave comments! I'll try to get to them in between house hunting!

Copyright @donnadavisart - All Rights Reserved




Sounds like you are having a lovely time. Enjoy!

I am! The weather has been lovely and really so MANY of the houses we looked at were wondreful. My friends, whom are taking the house with me, said "You love every house we see!" (they being a bit pickier than I) and I respond, "Of course, it's in England, why wouldn't I?" :) So, I am just happy to be here. Whenever I get off the plan here I always feel like I am HOME.

Sophie looks like such a beautiful dog ! What a wonderful painting, full with light and warmth <3 Though she is no longer here, I can feel your bond and attachment to dear Sophie <3 A gorgeous portrait, Donna <3 <3 <3

Thank you so kindly. Yes, we always have our dearly departed loved pets in our hearts. I thought of her often today as I saw many whippets out in the city, of course she was an Italian Greyhound, but similiar breed.

Nice paint friend, it's so nice and adorable!!
I want draw or paint my dog but it have the curly hair and I don't know how paiting that hahah I feel that it's so complicated haha but sometime I'll draw it <3

Ha ha, yes curly hair can be a bit tricky, but fun to try!

She is beautiful, Donna. The lighting makes her really glow and pretty. I am sure she is now having fun with all the beautiful dogs in the clouds :~).

I imagine her chasing bunnies with my other dogs that have gone on to Valhalla.

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OH, how I kind. I will do, but I may be a week or so, as I have to really try and settle and set up my English studio first, but thank you. I love the artist communities here on Steemit!

Gorgeous painting of 'your old Dog'! I love the brightness of the fur in contrast with the dark background. Really lights it on fire!

I'm so curious about your house hunting <3 But enjoy your moments first, you can always report later :-)

Yes, I shan't tempt the Fates by talking too much of houses found or details therein, until ink is dry on paper, but then I might bore all of you with photos, drawings, and blatherings of gardens and old houses and country lane rambles with Ivan the dog :)

I hope tonight is good!!

Me too, fingers crossed!

Hello @donnadavisart, thank you for sharing this creative work! We just stopped by to say that you've been upvoted by the @creativecrypto magazine. The Creative Crypto is all about art on the blockchain and learning from creatives like you. Looking forward to crossing paths again soon. Steem on!