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RE: .

in #art7 years ago

I love this. And yes it does have some of the 'young tortured soul' to it, but I bet it also accurately expresses one who is busy with an art career/gallery business and a five year old son. :)

I go through phases with my artwork as far as amount of time spend on one piece. A few years back I changed my life in art to make the habit that I make one piece of art a day, that usually means a drawing or sketch that might become a more involved piece, but it also taught me to look at my 'studies' as stand alones and to see that others like these one day pieces too and so have happily sold them on things and as prints.

Since Steemit and my growing circle of wonderful art friends in the digital world I have returned to more involved pieces, my current Singularity series project I am working on, which involves weeks working on them, but also happily sharing the various sketches and watercolour studies.

I think my point in this ramble was that the freedom to know I could scribble anything as my 'daily act' made me look at my own art in a new way and highlighted the joy in the act of making art. Now I try to always approach it from that perspective. Probably not a popular 'tortured artist' view, but then again, I make art to make myself happy first.

Again, wonderful piece and I hope you share more!>