the Steemit Streetart Challenge #3
Announcing: the Steemit Streetart Challenge #3!
• Show the world the hidden treasures of your neighborhood!
• No skills required! Only a camera and a good eye!
• The winner gets all SBD generated from this post!
Dear friends, followers, supporters, artlovers and bypassers! It is a pleasure to kick off round 3 in the Steemit Streetart Challenge! First of all, I was really pleased with round two. We got entries from all over the world, including Peru and Ukraine! And the winner was from India! Judged by you, the reader. We also managed to establish a payout of 22 SBD, which beat my expectation. So sometimes it pays to be persistent. The only way to get that far is upvoting and sharing this post. Everybody counts equally, there is no discrimination here.
I summarized the entries at some point during last round and that was before the four last entries got in. Steemit is a truly global phenomena. After I made the map, we got entries from Peru, Mexico, UK and Norway:
One entry per participant! The entry must be a reply to this post. If more images are required, add as many photos you like, but keep it within the same box. Add the location as text. 📬
It must be your image. Cheaters or suspected cheaters will be disqualified. You do not need to be the creator of the work, though it would be cool if you were. 🎨
You can vote for your own entry. You can also advertise for it by posting on your page, chatting about it or by collaborating with your friends.
Resteem /reblog this post. This is required for a valid entry and highly recommended for everyone who thinks it is a good idea. 💡
The people is the judge! The entry with the most upvotes, wins. Vote on as many you like. Vote for all of them if it suits you. I will abstain from voting, but if a situation where two or more entries has the same number of votes, I will throw one vote to possibly judge a worthy winner. And if that fails by a last-minute vote, the prize will be split.
Keep it clean! If you want to comment on something, do it under each entry, not as a new one.
Advertise! More entries means bigger prize!
The challenge is over one week from now. As soon as I possibly can, I will announce the winner and pay the prize money. 💰
This sounds like fun to me and I hope to see lots of cool 😎 images.
One tip to see the images better is to right-click them and open in a new window.
The challenge within the challenge:
Is as always to be heard. And therefore to kick it off in a best possible way, I challenge:
The previous participants: @freshtuff @mithrilweed @fronttowardenemy @phoblographer @gibiuk @sroka87 @wlsghwjd @erikaflynn @snooway @leneg @aishwarya
Those who shared the previous round and did not enter: @dabeckster @benniebanana @toniesteem @ausbitbank @ivhexe @aishwarya @wishmaiden @sulev @streetartgallery @dragosroua
The lovely art community: @aksinya @motivator @everlove @makersunited @art-trail @paolobeneforti and others
In adition I would like to ask the witnesses I just voted for for help to spread the word. And this time I ask @roelandp and @gtg for help to share among a broader audience. It would be cool if you did.
and if you read this far, YOU my friend ;-) To share, participate, vote and support a truly decentralized non-sponsored, people-driven effort.
Winners of previous rounds:

This is by Natalia Rak and called "Love is in the Air". Found in Dunedin, New Zealand
Love the combination of the color on the building and art, great streetart :)
Yes the photo doesn’t do it justice. The sheer size of it is amazing
I recently found this one in Kristiansand, Norway. It is made by Norwegian born and based ENER Konings .
We have own Mona Lisa in Sumy, Ukraine
Okay, this one is more vandalism than art! But it made me smile :)
Location: Hawkesbury River, NSW
Artist: A dude who was dared by his mate
artsy fartsy
I'm sure this one will be great too. Can't wait to see the submissions.
This was taken at Hausmania in Oslo back in 2007 by mobile i think. Not shure if you can see the text but it says "Love hurts" and the artist is one om my favorite Norwegian street-artist DOLK
This is a collaboration between my good friend Spot (a.k.a City Ghost) and two other artists. The piece can be found in Frankfurt, Germany.
Spacecat. Kharkiv Ukraine
Haight & Ashbury
San Francisco, California
resteemed. Valid entry.
Good to see you jooney!
Likewise friend!
↟One of my favorites of many ↟
The street Intendente Tomkinson has a wall about 1 1/2 miles long just full of one work after another.
I did a series of said street art beginning here,
Thank You!
That's better. Now we are in agreement.
My apologies. I will correct this immediately (I did not get a reply notification for this, is why it took so long to respond).
Same box = same comment, not replies to said comment. Got it, thanks for the harsh lesson @funkit.
Only one work. Is it hard to understand? I will have to disqualify yo if you don't change it.
"If more images are required, add as many photos you like, but keep it within the same box." Is what threw me off. I am guessing you meant if a single work of art is too big to fit in one picture, rather than multiple images as a whole (please keep in mind, this IS a single piece that stretches a wall almost two miles long....)?
If this is not acceptable please let me know and I will remove the entry (I don't really care for your ability to hurt my reputation with your flags simply because one of us does not understand what is going on while working together to fix it).
It is basically meant for exceptional large pieces, yes. But they will have to be one piece, one style, which is clearly not the case here.
So the fact this is from a single piece several thousand feet long, contributed to by several artists, does not mean it is a single works in your opinion (and I will be disqualified if I stand my ground)?
Yes.Pick one or you ar just misleading the public.