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RE: Original Art Photography Series by @velimir #284 'Knowledge Today'

in #art7 years ago
Knowledge is what is known by humans or human search results to be known.

That knowledge is the possession or content of the human mind that is the result of the human effort process to know it. In its development human knowledge is divided into four main branches, philosophy, science, and insight.

To see the difference between the four branches, I give an example: kalam (philosophy), Fiqh (science), Islamic History (knowledge), Islamic practice (insight). Language, mathematics, logic, and statistics are systematically organized knowledge, but all four are science-oriented. The fourth is a science tool. Every science (science) is knowledge, but not all science is science.

Science is a kind of systematically organized knowledge. How to organize a collection of science into science? The answer to that knowledge must be conceptualized first by philosophy, directed and fostered by mathematics, logic, language, statistics, and scientific methods. So individuals who want to be knowledgeable need to have a lot of knowledge and have knowledge of logic, math, statistics, and language.

Then a lot of knowledge is processed by a certain method. This method is a scientific method. Knowledge of the scientific method is also required to process knowledge into the knowledge and knowledge required to complete it. To bepengetahuan someone just open the eyes, open the ear, understand the reality, memorize, convey. To his knowledge, this method becomes more serious.

Do not wait to open your eyes, open your ears, understand reality, memorize, say, carelessly. Who wants to have knowledge, the first time he should read the last step of man, make trouble, hypothesize based on reading the last step of man, then make research, make decisions, and finally build awareness. Science that he found himself.