Journey from Doubt to Truth. Through Self-Inquiry. WHY YOU SHOULD ALWAYS CHALLENGE THE STATUS QUO!

in #art5 years ago (edited)

So I just finished this large painting of sitting Buddha and I decided to share a deeper meaning of it with you. I hope you guys enjoy it.

Hanes buddha 5 a.jpg

This painting is all about the experience of Inner Truth 💙 And that can only come through breaking all Status Quo versions of what we think is "true". To complete smithereens.

It is also my 4th piece going to Australia this year. To one beautiful master who taught me what mindfulness means and how to practice it. Infinite gratitude for that!

There are 7 animals in this painting (I am the 8th one:) - red panda, night butterfly, two snails and 3 sleeping bats. I put the bats there because for me, they challenge the status quo, and that always needs to be challenged. The greatest enemy of our society is complacency of our minds, how easily and readily we assimilate "outside truth" (TV, press, internet, schools, parents, masters, teachers, friends, gossip etc.) as our "own truth" without any actual inner experience of it, without a second doubt. We seek everything outside of ourselves, and preach things we have not even touched. Society we created lives in Status quo and it's a fine time for whole humanity to break it and have a major upgrade of the way we think and assimilate "truth". Literally everything we've been taught at schools, told by media and governments is either a twisted half-truth or an outright lie. God Bless it even that had a divine reason. But self-critical thinking through direct experience is THE ONLY SOURCE of truth. You find that within. That is the moon, not the finger pointing to it. Bats have bad rap, for no good reason. They are loving and cuddly creatures, and they are messengers of good fortune. Question, always, what everyone blindly agrees with, even the most fundamental things that seem "obvious". If everyone hates someone, give him/her a chance, and see for your own. Show the middle finger to Status Quo. Be your own truth. Ignorance is our enemy, and that lives only in human mind.

Buddha Truth detail 1.jpg
Detail 1- red panda

Buddha truth detail 2.jpg

Detail 2 - bats :)

The Matrix is the best movie ever made and it has far deeper meaning than what most think, and this line will stay forever with me:


"The Matrix is a system, Neo. That system is our enemy. But when you're inside, you look around, what do you see? Businessmen, teachers, lawyers, carpenters. The very minds of the people we are trying to save. But until we do, these people are still a part of that system and that makes them our enemy. You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to be unplugged. And many of them are so inert, so hopelessly dependent on the system that they will fight to protect it."


Buddha Truth logo.jpg
Buddha of Truth, oil on 52x64inches canvas

Don't know how to look within? Start with that thing that everyone says they "can't" or "don't have time" to do: sit alone in silence and darkness every day, and learn to tame your mind. Do that every day, and you will tap into a source that will shatter all that you thought true to this day. And at the other side of it is nothing but good news, nothing but GREAT NEWS.

Peace 💙

gk 63 truth.jpg

As some of my faithful readers know, I am a huge fan and student of the Gene Keys wisdom. This is how this painting relates to it for me:

For me this painting represents the 63rd Siddhi of Truth and I only realized if after I finished painting it. There is 7 animals in it including 3 bats, which have a bad rap for no good reason. Bats are loving cuddly creatures and their spiritual meaning can even be that of messengers of good fortune. Doubt the Status quo by Self-inquiry. DOUBT-INQUIRY-TRUTH, I understand this path now. When I had my first Siddhic experience, I lived (not believed but LIVED) the Truth of the statement: "The Truth Will Set You Free", It indeed does exactly that. And it does it on physical level together with completely wiping out all mental beliefs. The experience of having no fear present in the cells of my body (I was unaware how heavily loaded they were with fear before, every single one of them, like a background noise we never know it's there until it ceases) was such a liberating transcending experience, my body was made of light and I felt like a someone just PLUGGED ME IN after eons of deep but troublesome sleep! It was the TRUTH of my being that set me (temporarily) free. Now I know how it feels. And all I wish for is to prepare the ground for it to, maybe, one glorious day, come back again and explode into Truth that shall never be obscured by doubt again.

Peace and Love to all of you during this festive special time of the year. Be blessed 💙

Thank you for reading and your love,

Much Love back,

hanes buddha 5 b.jpg


Inspiring work. It looks really vivid and transcendent. Keep painting, please. :)

10/10 as always

Loved the animal details and bats are awesome. Your words are very inspiring and they are something I try to live by, though they can be socially challenging many times as you have a hard time with those who protect the system and the hard time comes from one's own judgement. Anyway, no one said it was easy :D

Omggg so cool

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