SHIVA DONE! Phoenix Rising For New Earth

in #art5 years ago

As planned and as promised, I managed to deliver the final brush strokes on Shiva this morning, one day before my deadline! So happy to share the final version with you today!!

hanes shiva 3 b.jpg

What's special about this Shiva, besides the fact that I used 24 karat gold leaf for his jewelry is my incorporation of Phoenix, the fire bird, in the painting.

Although I have known about the significance of the sacred bird for a long time I never put it in any of my art.

I think that the Phoenix premiere is coming at great time, with great relevance and accuracy.

As our leaders continue lying to us and try to sell us another war, I am reminded of the absolute necessity of birthing a new reality on Earth, which will come from the ashes of the old one, which is based on fear and survival and as such cannot be repaired. It has to be removed altogether.

Love is the answer. Love heals all and anyone who works on themselves to touch the very essence of their being is progressing towards this reality on earth, which is always but a faithful mirror to our inner state.

You don't like war but you hate your neighbor? Learn to forgive and be peaceful in all circumstances, that creates peace in your inner world and your inner world creates the outer world.

Shiva Phoenix logo.jpg

New world will be born from the ashes of the one that is living out its final years now, and it will rise in Beauty, Synarchy and Wholeness like Phoenix from the ashes. How painful the birth will be is up to us. This world is a faithful reflection of our minds, and for that very reason the work is not to blame the cruelties of the current system which is based on selfishness and survival but to acknowledge our own accountability in its co-creation and do our OWN WORK, which always begins with self-contemplation and self-healing. If every human had just a 10 second glimpse of our true inter-dimensional infinite nature and the creative power of our minds, everyone would immediately stop in their tracks and started re-wiring our brains with elevated emotions, that on collective level would end war, poverty, patriarchy, politics and countless redundant institutions and borders OVERNIGHT! ⚡️ But you HAVE TO DO THE WORK nobody is going to do it for you! That glimpse of the TRUE REALITY behind this illusion we think is real is ENTIRELY ACCESSIBLE to all humans who learn to sit down and go within, and surrender every day, relentlessly, until the barrier of separation is transcended. 💥⚡️ I lived that moment, you can live it too. You will never be the same after you've had but a minuscule sip of the nectar of your TRUTH. You will instantly realize that what we manifested so far on this is a crying joke of our real potential, which is 10000000000x bigger, which is 🌎💚PARADISE ON EARTH 💚. Call me a dreamer, I don't mind, because I KNOW that this 3D trap is our collective dream and Heaven on Earth is our true Destiny. If we just switch off our TVs for a while and join our efforts in creating New Earth out of Elevated State of Love for all, for everyone, the mental fog will clear, clarity will arise, and Earth will bloom. ☀️🌺🌸Dedicated to all warriors of lights, soldiers of Gaia, who do the work on themselves and light up candles of love everywhere they go, instead of fighting the fire with fire.


Shiva Phoenix detail 1.jpg

Some detailed photos for you:

Shiva Phoenix detail 2.jpg

I hope you like the painting and most of all

I hope you like the message!!

Stay centered in love, don't listen to wardrums of our slave masters, we are Sovereign beings of Love and Light!

Much Love and Thank you for your support


follow @jankasparec

hanes shiva 3 a.jpg



.... I could never imagine where you would have taken this painting to, from when you revealed the pyramids but geeeeeeeeeeezzzzz man, your creativity, attention to details, and colour mastery never fail to impress * ___ *

I love the cosmic purple sky, the twin phoenixes, the waterfalls and the grass and trees, and.... everything really, I love everything XD

Shiva himself looks like he is the manifestation of serenity and balance <3 What a gorgeous piece, Jan <3

You. Are. Amazing !!!!

It's great to have you back @veryspider! Thank you for the praise <3

Came out great especially in the mood lighting :) Hope it's displayed in a similar fashion. And yay for beating the deadline with a day to spare XD

I'm too cranky to hate anyone for long (when I'm really angry I might absolutely detest the fact someone exists for a few seconds), I have better things to do XD

Thank you brother, appreciated!