Art Therapy to quench your loneliness...

in #art6 years ago

I haven't lifted a paint brush in over 20 to 30 years, although I have always loved playing with colours. The opportunity to paint again finally presented itself when I bought some new acrylic paints, some brushes and canvas to create something on.

I've been staring at the canvas for sometime. And only today, when my kids are away in Singapore that I am feeling the need to release the tension of being far away from them, for the first time in my life. I never thought that the day would come when all three would go on a holiday without me. Usually, I would have at least one to accompany me at home. But for the next few days, it will be just me and Gizmo the cat, who is, by the way, sleeping at his favourite spot after having a sumptuous dinner comprising of several mini sized tuna fishes. I guess he is quite full and happy now.

Back to art -- I read somewhere that as children, we were all artists, but somewhere along the way, we allow things to stop us from being artistic and creative. Some people, though, continue to enjoy being creative all throughout their lifetime.

I began by drawing the picture on top. I used Acrylic for the work, something that is quite new to me. I've always preferred water color during my school days which is so, so long ago. Working with Acrylic is fun because you can erase what you did initially, if you don't like it so much. As in the case of this particular painting. I ended up deleting many times whatever I painted.

For now, the picture below is the end result of my paint work. I am still not 100 percent sure if it would remain as such. There are still unfinished details.

By the time I came to this stage of the painting, it was time to fetch the kids. Ahhh, the empty house will once again be filled.



Good for you for getting some paints and finding a way to express your feelings. Any kind of creative endeavour is good for the psychi. I hope you keep painting and posting when you can-I also wonder what kind of influence it will be on your kids. I say that because now as a middle aged adult I have felt bummed that my mum did not pursue her art. As a kid she got some small awards and obviously had talent (both of my brothers have artistic talent but gave it up) I feel more bummed that they didn't keep up any kind of creative work more because I believe it would have helped them out emotionally. Maybe one of your kids will think back and be proud and happy for you for doing this.

I never really thought of it that way so it is good that you mentioned it. I somehow felt the waiting time rushing by somehow and I felt less stressed out as I had other things to occupy my mind than wondering how the kids were doing, were they okay and all that stuff. Turns out, they had a very good time and enjoyed themselves thoroughly. And they are already planning on another holiday to Thailand.

That's great all around. They enjoyed their trip and you found a way to relieve the stress. Another trip to Thailand-get those paints ready! And enjoy!