@water-art with @marty-arts, @jungwatercolor and I continue our journey through the watercolor universe despite a slaughtered crypto market. But it does not matter, we do something we love.
I think it is good to preset all basic tools, so we focus a bit more on that until we start painting painting. This tutorial contains lots of tools that are not beginners level, but it may be good to show these tools in case they show up in coming tutorials. I was inspired by @jungwatercolor in making a movie but does not have time right now. But later I will show in movie how all these tools can be used.
Introduction of Various Tools
I tried to find all the names in English:
First photo
-Squint bottle
-Stiff brush
-Flat brush
Second photo
-Spray bottle, small/big
How to Use Them
I use similar brushes to what @marty-arts showed here. There are hundreds of ways to use a brush, we will talk about it later on.
But one interesting way to use a brush that is sometimes missed is to fill it with paint and throw the paint to the canvas with a quick snap.
Another way is to sprinkle paint by loading the brush, and using the method shown in the photo.
Then there is the squint bottle - no rocket science
The spray bottle - perfect to lead the water or wetting areas that are becoming too dry. Try out different bottles to get the sprinkle you like. And be ware the attenuating effect adding extra water has on the paint.
Do not forget the marvelous tool of leaning the canvas. More subtle and less random effects can be made if you have a flat paper - see this post
The pipette is useful in dripping water in a controlled way and mixing colors.
Paper used to suck up water from the paper and save you from the worst catastrophes.
Leaning is sometimes a great tool when the paper dries to create certain effects.
Coming tutorials will be focusing on color and masking - after that we are ready to start painting.
I will send 0.5 SBD to the first 10 people resteeming and commenting this post :) Go Watercolor! Go!
Hope you enjoyed!
You can order portraits via my website: http://jnart.se/hem. Paying with crypto currency is possible.
Cool! Maybe you can combine. Some things are possible to make much faster in watercolor. I'd love to learn pencils but since I have watercolor I save that knowledge for later :)
brother that beautiful paintings, thanks for the techniques and advice, although I am very bad for art, I prefer to see others. You have talent I liked the last one and how the colors are blurred, that effect looks great.
Wow, so many of them! Some of the tools I'd have never thought of using them with watercolor works. I really like the idea of using the pipette. I have seen a couple of tutorials where they use it with alcohol and it creates very cool effects.
I'm looking forward the color and painting tutorials. You're all being great!
I have never worked with alcohol, should try it out some day. But I have heard that it might ruin the lasting properties of the painting, the same with soap. What do you think?
I have seen all the tool except for the squint bottle... I assume that you can buy this from an art supplier but somehow I have never seen this before. The closest thing I can think of to this is a syringe with a needle attached :)
I am really looking forward to all the different ways you can use a brush!
Will come, but first more about colors and masking. The squint bottle I ordered online. But you can find it in good art shops. But it's only uses when you paint with looots of water.
Really awesome job done and i personally liked the sprinkling of colours with brush because when i was in school we were tried this technique many times but now i really miss those days and you have great talent because these kind of painting is not easy and we need precision and real talent. Thanks for sharing and keep up the great work. Wishing you an great day. Stay blessed. 🙂
Wow!, What am amazing outcome. I actually love painting with water coluor but due to sone reasons I swithted to pencil colours.
Cool! Maybe you can combine. Some things are possible to make much faster in watercolor. I'd love to learn pencils but since I have watercolor I save that knowledge for later :)
Yh!, That's true. It alright man.
This can be an additional science for those who love art.
Thanks @jnart this post inspired me to something new.
Thank you @ jnart I am glad to be able to join you.
I hope we will be good friends in sharing new things.
We Will
brother that beautiful paintings, thanks for the techniques and advice, although I am very bad for art, I prefer to see others. You have talent I liked the last one and how the colors are blurred, that effect looks great.
Thanks, when you learn a medium magic is possible. I'm on my way :)
you are going for the good way
wow, this is very creative, i really like to paint, but i am not creative.
Sure you are :) Just combine two unique items and voila!
Wow, so many of them! Some of the tools I'd have never thought of using them with watercolor works. I really like the idea of using the pipette. I have seen a couple of tutorials where they use it with alcohol and it creates very cool effects.
I'm looking forward the color and painting tutorials. You're all being great!
I have never worked with alcohol, should try it out some day. But I have heard that it might ruin the lasting properties of the painting, the same with soap. What do you think?
I have seen all the tool except for the squint bottle... I assume that you can buy this from an art supplier but somehow I have never seen this before. The closest thing I can think of to this is a syringe with a needle attached :)
I am really looking forward to all the different ways you can use a brush!
Will come, but first more about colors and masking. The squint bottle I ordered online. But you can find it in good art shops. But it's only uses when you paint with looots of water.
Good one with some essential tips that give great results. Like how you presented them, quick and short but easy to understand @jnart.
Thanks, this is so much fun.
Really awesome job done and i personally liked the sprinkling of colours with brush because when i was in school we were tried this technique many times but now i really miss those days and you have great talent because these kind of painting is not easy and we need precision and real talent. Thanks for sharing and keep up the great work. Wishing you an great day. Stay blessed. 🙂
Thanks mate!
Welcome. 🙂
Great artwork. It is interesting how using a little color and more water, something so beautiful gets formed. Thanks for sharing!
Thanks! :D
Wow this interesting post, you are very expert with art .. Really amazing, I follow you pack and wait for your interesting post next ...