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RE: The biggest future investment, the salvation of our souls.

in #art8 years ago

Thanks for your reply, They way that I came to Christ was through a lot of research on spirituality, in my quest for answers I learned about the origins of many of the faith based belief systems and I would like to state that I am no authority on these subjects, but I did honestly pray for understanding. My conclusion was that there was only one God the creator of Heaven and Earth who later sent his son named Jesus. and that through him we could achieve eternal salvation. There is much proof of Jesus walking the earth and performing miracles. This proof was written by many including non believers as witnesses of his presence here on earth. In my view of things, there is no denying of the presence of evil here with us which is nothing new but there is a forceful movement to remove Christianity and oppose biblical morality from the hearts of people. That to me speaks volumes of the opposing energy behind this movement. To answer your question and to find the answer that might lead you to my conclusion would be to research, learn as much as you can about all religions and their origins, pray with all your heart for discernment and direction and he will show you the way.
One of my favorite bible verses is;
Proverbs 3:5-6King James Version (KJV)
5 Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
6 In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.
Peace and God bless.


There are 16,000 religions in the world. You are more likely christian and believe in your monotheistic universe because it has been passed to you by culture. You are not a Muslim, Hindu or Biddhist because of simple luck.

A book is not proof for your God as much as Harry Potter is not proof for magic

I know there's a lot of religions out there, I'm not sure about 16,000 and I tend to agree with you, which is why I think you are a non believer because of your western cultural upbringing, Christianity is a dying belief in this country, it is seen as impractical or desperate to use your words. In my understanding the bible is not proof of God but the word of God, it is made up of a collection of 66 books that took about 1600 years to be written, from the first book to the last and then brought all together, they speak of real places. kings, armies, customs they are more like history books that also mention God's involvement through out, reading about his involvement through these books(the bible) teaches us how he has reacted to many different scenarios, that's the whole point of it! These books also prophecized the coming of Jesus Christ 1000 years before his birth and the way he would die long before that type of execution was even practiced and there are many more examples. The prophecies I find most interesting are the ones we're living in now, prophecies written over 2000 years ago that speak of a falling away from the church, persecution of the church and yes, the beast system taking shape, it speaks of a one world government which is clearly developing now, there's no denying it, The collapse of the world's economies which is also clearly happening if you pay attention to that type of stuff. We, our selves are contributing to it within this steemit platform by encouraging digital currency which ultimately will replace physical money ( the no buy or sell thing you hear so much about unless you have the mark of the beast) there is also no denying that is happening, Not to mention the biggest prophecy of them all, the second coming of Jesus! You strike me as a well read guy, Brother why not give studying the history of the Bible a shot, not with a biased anger filled point of view but an open minded, respectful approach to understand why people put so much faith in its words. Peace