
That's one opinion but it is one of those things that cannot be proven or disproven. Some people simply don't understand or accept the concept of God on the same level as others. To simplify it the way that you did is erroneous as it disregards the amount of dedication, study and work that people put in towards their respective religions, regardless of what religion or God they follow. In most parts of the world people believe in some sort of higher power to explain the unexplained and guide them through life. No one knows whose religion is the "correct" one so I guess the only plausible way to find out is to die. Now whether we all go to some wonderful place called Heaven when we die I'm not sure; after all, the most beautiful places on earth that fit that description are currently pure Hell.

Extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence. Believing something "just because" is not prood but desperation.

Its all fascinating, really, So much information about so many things. I've given myself to the Lord and was filled with the holy spirit, its a feeling I can't describe. I know what I felt! and its proof enough for me. There is no luck in my choice for Christianity every other belief system is available to me now, before I made the choice in my adult life I already had a different religion called science and evolution with no belief in any God and at times sounded just like you in my opposition. We all walk many paths and believe many things, But As For Me And My House We Will Serve the Lord!
Joshua 24:15