Building Sketch
Inspired by Mateusz Urbanowicz
Yesterday, I was searching for inspirations for sketching buildings and through many searches on google, it graced me with many repetitive results but...
This caught my eye.
A Watercolour Piece On Masterclasses By Mat
Chinese food restaurant, Takadanobaba district, Miyake bicycle shop based on shops in Kagurazaka and Kichijyouji.
Or so the website says ^
Since I am learning new drawing methods and skills by myself. There is no way on the surface of the Earth I am going to be able to draw something this complex as a lost soul who spent at least 2 months worth of drawing experience.
Like literally I am inexperienced (笑)
I decided that this shall be my reference material, ANDDDDD!
What I learned was intriguing to say the least, I learned to draw a roof... Yes a roof...
But not just that, I learned to draw a complete building!
My slight twist from the original piece.
I found it being a great sketch experience, it's not hard as art takes a lot of time to hone your skills before you really get creative (unless you are a genius). This really brought me back to art class with my teacher because of perspectives and shading.
So what can I take away from this?
I realised that roofs are harder to draw than it seems. I learned how to sketch curtains, some miscellaneous objects and building parts, all the small things (Although I drew them like a kid from primary school).
It was a challenging experience for me but at the end of the day, I felt great being that I achieved something.
Maybe I could try going out more often and taking photos of things I find interesting, bring them home and sketch them...