Linco's Inktober2019! Day #14 and Day#15

in #art5 years ago

Hey we're basically halfway there!

Keep at it everybody participating haha the end is in sight.

These two days I found it really hard to come up with pictures I'd enjoy for these prompts, so they took a bit longer than normal which is unfortunate because I'm drowning in school work.

Anyways, this one I like a lot for Day 15's "Legend"

Day 15 - Legend. A woman reading a bedtime story to a child as the walls of the room collapse to reveal the contents of the story.

I got inspiration from how strong childhood imagination seems to be when we think back to that age. It's like those stories actually teleport us on location, I miss having that feeling.

This idea came last minute actually, I'll show you the planning sheet here:


I basically just brainstorm a bunch of related words and ideas for the prompt, then do tiny compositions. My writing is LEGIT illegible. To be fair I brainstormed on the train to school where it was very shakey... I first thought of an Indiana Jones-esque picture, but quickly scraped that idea

One thing important that was learned in Day 15 is the use of value for contrast. I shaded in areas with my sweaty ass finger, smudging the brush ink around. But initially, it was just lineart. Shown here:
Initially what I was going to post. Only the lineart.

However, when I came back, I realized that -- my focal points weren't being emphasized. I wanted the viewer to look at 1. The boy's face, 2. The woman reading the story, 3. The horse 'legend' rider guy in the back.

The picture looked off because it was hard to tell that the image was that of a boy's room with the walls collapsed to reveal the "imagination" kind of field in the background. So I had to shade in and use the edge of the brush as a drybrush to add grass details. This was done to contrast with the white walls. Next, I realized I should also add in some value contrast to bring out my focal points. So I added more shadows on the woman's shirt and dress, and on the boy's shirt and bedsheet. Making sure it had a similar light source (upper left comking down). I like the end result better because of this. Despite that, this step only took around ~5 minutes, so I'm glad it was a quick improvement!

Some may say that it looks messier now as the final, but I think that's because the image is really zoomed up. I personally do like the added rendering with my finger lol.

For Day #14, Overgrown, I also like this image but it was done in a bit of a rush:

Day 14 - Overgrown. A Dr Seuss kinda creature goes grocery shopping with the help of his overgrown hair

This one was a pain to think about, I'll show you the brainstorming sheet

At first I thought of an overgrown forest on a house or a deserted car (top right). Then I "came up" (probably inspired by some sort of Dr. Seuss character) with the hairy creature. I had to have him do something, at first it was driving with his hair while he relaxes. The composition was hard for this idea, so I scraped it (hair would get in the way of the body and make it hard to read). Also cars are pretty cramped, and I couldn't decide what to draw and what to omit, I believe I lacked the skill to render it with detail while still retaining the message, but this will change in the future! Then, finally, I came to the grocery shop idea and was agonizing over the angle of the shot... I finally decided on what I had as the end result.