COLLAGE | Delicate fucking flower (Creative process / Proceso creativo)

in #art6 years ago

Hey, Steemian! Today I'd like to share with you a collage that I made a few days ago. I called it Delicate fucking flower because it was a nickname I used to use before, and it seemed appropriate after seeing the result of my work. I really hope you like it. :)

¡Hola, Steemian! Hoy me gustaría compartir contigo un collage que realicé hace unos días. Lo llamé Delicate fucking flower porque era un apodo que solía usar antes, y me pareció apropiado luego de ver el resultado de mi trabajo. Espero te guste. :)

Process / Proceso

Well, the truth is that I love collages created from magazines because this material gives them a very nice vintage look, don't you think? So a few days ago I stole my mom an old edition of the Vanidades magazine (yes, I stole from my mother), and I found very interesting things. This flower particularly caught my attention:

Bueno, la verdad es que me encantan los collages creados a partir de revistas porque este material les otorga un aspecto vintage muy bonito, ¿no te parece? Así que hace unos días le robé a mi mamá una edición vieja de la revista Vanidades (sí, robé a mi madre), y encontré cositas interesantes. Esta flor llamó particularmente mi atención:

When I came across this image several ideas came to my mind. Mainly I related the flower with femininity, growth and strength, then I took a leap towards self-love to end in beauty, but not this beauty of measurements and sizes, but the interior, the essential, that secret powder that makes us crazy and free and authentic.

Cuando me topé con esta imagen vinieron a mi mente varias ideas. Principalmente relacioné la flor con la feminidad, el crecimiento y la fuerza, luego salté hacia el amor propio para rematar en la belleza, pero no esta belleza de medidas y tallas, sino la interior, la esencial, ese polvito secreto que nos hace locas y libres y auténticas.

Then I had the concept, I just needed to gather the graphic elements to give life to the collage. I took my (beloved) recycling material and started looking for words that fit the idea: full freedom, natural, intelligent, dignified, love and many more, as you see in the first image.

However, it was not enough. I wanted to draw a feminine silhouette but I'm really not good at drawing, so I looked for my poetry book and cut, much to my regret, this beautiful figure on the back cover. But it was worth it, don't you think? Then I just splashed the painting with the help of a toothbrush.

Entonces ya tenía el concepto, sólo faltaba reunir los elementos gráficos para dar vida al collage. Tomé mi (amado) material de reciclaje y empecé a buscar palabras que se ajustaran a la idea: plena libertad, natural, inteligente, digna, amor y muchas más, como ves en la primera imagen.

Sin embargo, no era suficiente. Quise dibujar una silueta femenina pero el dibujo no se me da bien, entonces busqué mi poemario favorito y recorté, muy a mi pesar, esta hermosa figura de la contraportada. Pero valió la pena, ¿no crees? Luego la salpiqué de pintura con ayuda de un cepillo de dientes.

Finally I placed every single element and pasted them very carefully. As I felt that something was still missing, I drew a small delicate flower next to our beautiful lady and painted it yellow to give a warm touch to the collage.

Finalmente di lugar a cada uno de los elementos y los pegué con mucho cuidado. Como sentí que aún faltaba algo, dibujé una florcita junto a nuestra hermosa dama y la pinté de amarillo para dar un toque cálido al collage.


"You have to be tenacious and aggressive, in the positive sense"

"Hay que ser tenaz y agresiva, en el sentido positivo"

The pictures in this post are my property and authorship

Las imágenes de este post son de mi propiedad y autoría


Nice composition @mariamsinn.

You asked me about tips for using inks. I mainly draw with traditional dip pens and drawing ink, though fine liner and a damp paint brush also create nice results. If you were thinking of combining inks with your collage you could try applying wax over the areas of your paper/collage that you wanted the ink to resist before applying it. Hope that helps.

Mmm... I think I'll start with drawing ink and maybe some rubber stamps, and when I improve my drawing I'll use dip pens. :) And I didn't know about the wax! That's such a great idea.

Thank you so much for your tips, Ophelia.

natural, , reina, amor, crecimiento, leo, mi camino.

me encanto como recortaste, se ve como si fuese parte de steemit, genial!!

Grazie, amore mio