The Eye of War - office art by @mariandavp

in #art7 years ago

War is raging in the Middle East and through Syria approaching the West day by day.

War is rarely aboud ideals. Soldiers may be fighting for ideals, but wars are always made for wealth and the power that comes with it.

Now we observe again the governments of some countries trying to stop other countries from exploiting their own wealth and resources. For example the mediterranean is under Turkey's constant threats after the discovery of gas tanks in Cyprus and West of Greece.

Borders are always subject to dispute when financial interest kicks in.

The Crypto revolution and the ability to spread wealth to the people may become a game changer on this front as well. Cross border payments and proof of ownership will cause Borders to become obsolete one day. What will stay will be large groups of people with homogenoous history and traditions maintained through love and respect for each ethnicity's special characteristics, the eclipse of racism and free will.

Until then, we will continue to witness the fires of war burning countries for control, power and paper money.




I love your style

War abd peace cannot be separated. They will happen always together like the days and nights.

Yes you are probably right, at least historically. But understanding the dynamics may lead to changing them.

Intriguing subject and well done artistry.

Wow! It looks a lot like the evil-left-eye of @opheliafu's 'Eye On Crypto'.... which now resides next to your 'Counting Stars Over Lisbon' piece :)

Haha it has exactly the same positioning 😊😊😊

a great post my best friend. your post interpreted your concern for a country in war.
because war should no longer exist in this world, because in the wake of a war, a country has enormous losses, both economic losses, as well as about the human soul. indeed we regret in the war-torn country that resulted in many small communities who became targets and bear the consequences, such as children and women who are innocent. I am very fond of little children and girls, because without a woman I may not be born into this world, @mariandavp is great in making posts, and @mariandavp very good and beautiful, safe and successful my best friend.

You are worth congratulations for embracing the worth of each and every human and understanding their contribution to this world. Thank you very much @egy90!

also @mariandavp terimakasi very good and beautiful. @mariandavp is also very worth about assessing this world. @mariandavp is a social and wise woman.
thanks a lot @mariandavp

You are a very nice and wise person @mariandavp. I am very impressed with you because you give your attention to our brothers whose country is in war. hopefully the war is over. If there is time and opportunity visit to my blog. Peace is beautiful for all of us. Thanks so much for you @mariandavp.

Thanks million for your kind comment!

you wecome,,,
Nice to meet you @mariandavp, even if only in the virtual world. May it come to the real world

war is a thing to seize power, but very dear, because many casualties that befall me, I am very sad if in a country of war, because many casualties consisting of innocent children and women, the war just to seize power by causing a lot of casualties, why many people who want to have great and high power in this world, because many who think life in this world is just to have fun happy to not care about the more difficult, this is life, which only think for yourself.
posting and ideology brilliant @mariandavp, you are very capable in everything.
thanks my best friend, you are so good to me,
I am very happy to have a good friend and beautiful like you.

You are so nice!! Thank you very much!

Oce my friend

I feel very sad with the war that occurred in the middle east. I agree with you @mariandavp. They only want wealth and power, whereas the victims are children and innocent people. As if this is just the video game they play. Though the stakes are life. Thank you for sharing your story with us @mariandavp steemit, especially for me this is very useful. Maybe you can visit my blog for a look around. I want to get to know you further, because of your imagination.

Thank you very much @onenama for stopping by and for your comment!

Thank you too @mariandavp,,, 👌

For the absence of peace is not war. Let's all be advocates of peace wherever we are. Let peace be our watch word.


I am afraid that the "war" has already been raging in the West for quite some time now. It is (so far) a war over the control of what information and viewpoints get out to the mass of passive information consumers.

Most of humanity is one false flag event away from coming under mass psychosis and demanding war. They will, once more, come under the delusion that their "freedom" is at stake. What a laughable concept - that humans in general enjoy some kind of "freedom".

Just imagine: Grown "men" rising out of their rat-infested, puke filled trenches and charging at machine guns a few hundred yards away. Charging at the hated "enemy" who are trying to take away their "freedom".

Lord, have mercy.

You are right I am afraid... but I still hope that as human intelligence develops people will begin to understand how and why their fellow people feel the way they do and we won't fear each other anymore. Without fear, we become free.

It seems that inhuman intelligence (AI) is developing, but not human intelligence. Where do you see human intelligence developing? Maybe automatic, or mechanical, evolution has culminated in humanity in its current state. Perhaps further evolution of humanity requires some degree of conscious response on our part to a creative impulse?