A Quick Eye Sketch for Late Night | Step by Step

I never got the chance to draw once again for I am too busy these days. So I came late this evening and got hugs directly from my bed. But the "artist" side of myself became alive so I grab my materials and do a quick eye sketch.
Materials needed are...
- bondpaper
- pencil / black color pencil
- MyGel Ballpen
How It Was Done...
Basically, I did a preliminary guidelines for my sketch - put a cross in the center and stroke some semicircles.
It's just a quick sketch, so we just need lines and curves and nothing more.
I did many eye drawings before, and I always do the eye brows first.
Afterwhich is to mark it with your pen.
What I really did is just stroking lines; add more details into your sketch.
I used black color pencil in this one to have some drama; and it's 100% done!
So basically, the main steps for this piece are:
1. Create an outline and guide.
2. Mark it with pen!
Thank you guys. How was my drawing?
Steem On!
Yes sir.