Nude Girl in Winter with Red Umbrella - Oil on Wood Painting
Featuring "Nude Girl in Winter with Red Umbrella" by freelance artist Tiiu Wu. The work is hand painted using oil & spike lavender on a piece of raw infinity wood.
The painted area wraps along the side. Frame is sold separately.
The painting is listed for $1,600. Cryptocurrencies are accepted.
Payments can be made to the appropriate address below:
ETH : 0x3984Ec9061566e17f2c780D05254D795BCf74a95
DOGE: DSFGTbyqaywPZHD8Hq3RCiikF769iSFmvQ
LTC: LR2y58B8ayKy7DzHcLKTktdNeHj1Wff55o
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