The Snail Queen's Castle

A castle fit for a snail queen
I've been working on an illustration of the Snail Queen's castle for my story 'The Girl who Sings to Snails'. Created with ink and watercolours on paper.
'The snails set to work, slowing forming a circle around Lucy and weaving a fine layer of silver. They climbed up higher and higher, forming walls of snails, shell upon shell. Translucent walls of shimmering silver were forming around Lucy. With each layer the walls became more and more ornate, until a beautiful castle began to emerge.'
From 'The Girl who Sings to Snails' by Ophelia Fu

Image drawn using black drawing ink and a dip pen. Once the ink was dry layers of watercolour were added to the image.

'When Lucy woke up the sky had disappeared. She was now looking up into a beautiful dome of twinkling lights, as the sun was peeking through the lace like holes of the castle roof. '
From 'The Girl who Sings to Snails' by Ophelia Fu

The Snail Queen's Castle

Have you ever heard of the works of, Alexander Nimos? You should checkout his writing. He is up and coming. I think your work in his writings would go together perfectly.
Checked him out, thank you :D
Love it, you could make some really awesome children's books!
This would make a great design for a children book... another beautiful piece! Love the colors and the little critter in the tree!
I want to pay attention to a little birdy in the tree.
That entertained snail queen with her songs.
Ahh, you spotted the owl!
Following so I can see more of your work!
How creative and magical. You are really talented. My daughter would love this. It is very whimsical and beautiful. Nice work. I'm glad I found you blog. You got a new follower. Can't wait to check out more.
If you work back through my blog there are quite a few whimsical pieces she might enjoy.
I certainly will. Thank you! Again, nice work.
oups ! nice skills !
You should really do children books!! :)
Ooh, I cannot wait for the book! These are the stories I Love reading to kids. You are so good at showing just enough to spark the imagination, to let the mind wander into the image...
i always dreamed of writing/illustrating my own children's book one day - it's lovely that you posted pictures of your process of making the drawings alongside snippits of the book itself