#Orcheva art: Sanji ( One Piece )

in #art8 years ago


Haloo ...
Meet me again, Orcheva. For this time I would like to tell you a little about one of the members of the Straw Hat pirate group. This Character is called Sanji, a man who born in North Blue is a fifth member in the Straw Hat group. He is the first member of the group to come from outside of East Blue, the main purpose he is to become a pirate is to find All Blue, All Blue is one of the largest places in the ocean where all the great chefs from all the great seas meet. Sanji is a very expert in cooking.
In battle, Sanji's main weapon is his own feet, it's a very rarely he uses his hands to fight. His main stance is a black feet, a moves created to protect hands while fighting. There are so many combinations of fighting moves he made using his legs, and all the names of the movements were it's name derived from the French cuisine names.
Sanji is a man who is very crazy about women, she really appreciates women until she never wants to fight with women.

Here is a picture of Sanji which I draw it by myself using pencil and pen. Hope you like it.

Jumpa lagi bersama saya, Orcheva. Untuk kesempatan ini saya ingin menceritakan sedikit tentang salah satu anggota kelompok bajak laut Topi Jerami. Tokoh ini bernama Sanji, pria yang terlahir di North Blue ini adalah anggota kelima dalam kelompok Topi Jerami. Ia adalah anggota pertama dalam kelompok yang berasal dari luar East Blue, Tujuan Utama ia ikut menjadi bajak laut ini adalah untuk menemukan All Blue, All Blue adalah salah satu tempat terbesar di lautan dimana seluruh koki terhebat dari semua lautan besar bertemu. Sanji adalah orang yang sangat ahli dalam memasak.
Dalam bertarung, senjata utama Sanji kakinya sendiri, sangat jarang ia menggunakan tangannya untuk bertarung. Jurus utamanya adalah kaki hitam, jurus yang diciptakan untuk melindungi tangan pada saat bertarung. Sangat banyak kombinasi gerakan bertarung yang dia hasilkan dengan menggunakan kakinya, dan semua nama gerakan itu namanya berasal dari nama-nama masakan perancis.
Sanji adalah pribadi yang sangat tergila-gila pada wanita, ia sangat menghargai wanita sampai-sampai ia tidak pernah ingin bertarung dengan wanita.

Berikut adalah gambar Sanji yang saya gambar sendiri dengan menggunakan pencil dan pulpen. Semoga kalian suka.






Thanks for visiting in

CURATOR WHALE orcheva 2.jpg


wow amazing @orcheva ..keep it up..
done upvote..

thankyou @leslyfay :)

Waah...saya ingin sekali bisa membuat gambar seperti ini. Sayang sekali saya tidak berbakat dalam menggambar. Ada saran dari @orcheva supaya saya bisa belajar menggambar seperti yang anda gambar?

aku juga ga pinter2 amat kok...rajin2 nyoba aja terus..biar biasa.. :D

Bener juga sih. Cuma bakat sepertinya berpengaruh.🤗

Hey ! Nice drawing ! Followed and upvoted. Checkout my last post and give me an upvote please! Or if you really like my post give me a resteem, it'll be very appreciated. Cheers!

My daughter is crazy about One Piece or other anime and because of that I am able to recognize some characters. haha Nice drawing...

:D really...? she has good technic too...

Yes, I sometimes watch with her if I got the time. It's fun. Thank you... she has been into drawing and anime since she was young, we just support her.

OMG!! hahahahaha.. xD

Wooooo difficult angle! wow amazing!

i think i fail for this one.. 😌

Whaaaat??? No you didn't!!!

need to more clear i think..

Wow! Sanji!! ^^ Nice one @orcheva! ^^ I think I should go back to drawing something again.. ^^ Looking forward to seeing the other crew members!^^

i think i will do that tomorrow..its little tired for today..too much that i must finish for today.. 😂

Good work today.. rest well. :)