Best crop circles of this year / Letošní nejlepší kruhy v obilí
This is my selection of best crop circle of this year.
I like them because is really nice piece of art.
Tohle je můj výběr nejlepších kruhů v obilí.
Tyto se mi opravdu líbí, protože to jsou nádherná umělecká díla.
Whoever did this one, likes Ethereum! @ironshield

actually it is merkaba:
מרכבה chariot
If I see this I am close to agree that we are not alone in the space....Great, thank you!! :-)
me too
Indeed very beautiful! What's the latest theory about it? Artists spending nights walking around and making art?
nobody still know...
crop circles from artists is maps also... but it takes work of meny people and and one or two days
this crop circles is probably not man made... it appeared in the night