A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...

in #art8 years ago

I decided to do a series of posters based on something I did for my Steemit blog. The idea was to mix Star Wars with a crypto currency theme. I think it's important for Americans to realize we are fundamentally in a currency war. With the stock market at all time highs and poverty rampant in the country, I began to ask myself why? How could America be the richest country in the world and have so many poor people in it? And what I ran into is the idea that currency wars, lead to trade wars, which lead to real wars. This country has always been about war. Just look at Antifa and the KKK, It's like if America can't fix a problem we just go to war. So with all these mixed emotions and thoughts I decided to draw something and out popped Crypto Wars. Now you must understand I am not Right or Left when it comes to politics. I believe I'm somewhere in the middle. (I call it the Buddha way. lol) But like most Americans I just want to live a happy full life, and do what I love to do which is create art. The Crypto Wars concept is the culmination of all the emotions and ideas that I have when I watch media. I don't know how long the series will run. But I do love Star War, so we will see. Hope everyone has a great Labor Day and gets to eat lots of BBQ. And as always remember to Steem On!!
Crypto Wars Logo Poster 1.png


To believe in something, and not to live it, is dishonest.

- Mahatma Gandhi

Thank you for the words of wisdom. =)