Drawings of the God Apollo and Other Stuff
Chubby Apollo
In this drawing Apollo's laurel wreath is crooked, he has probably been playing discus. He is not supposed to look sad, but he does so I APOLLOgize! INSERT MANIACAL LAUGH. I'm hilarious!
Apollo's Sunglasses
In this drawing Apollo has extremely curly hair. YAY!
Meg McCaffrey
This is Meg McCaffrey from the Trials Of Apollo series. I suggest any and all books by Rick Riordan.
This is a drawing of me wearing a laurel wreath. It looks a bit too serious, and I forgot to add freckles, whoops!
In this drawing I imagine he is playing discus again. This is my personal favorite out of all of them.
You have nothing to APOLLOgize for :P Great sketches! :)