
Thanks @ranjeet196! Kind words. You know what's funny, yes, life gets easier.

But the goals/targets get harder :) Used to be my goal was to just, PLEASE be able to draw a woman who doesn't look like a man. hehehehe. Now I'm trying to write a novel which is both fantasy and sci-fi, but set in the current time.

But also, the tools to manage the goals are better understood. So, life gets easier in general, but harder also, and more interesting. :)

I know exactly what you mean about making a woman, "look" like a woman. Mine seems to turn out to be guys with woman parts.

Some people like that kinda thing, @kenwood ;) You should call those "Customers" hehehehe.

I am waiting for ur novel @oneminja .hahahh

Bloody hell, so am I, @ranjeet196. So am I. hehehe.