What is art ?

in #art7 years ago

A work of art doesn't have to be something as an object or mean anything general, a work of art is something that means something to you personally, art being the way it just exists, the way it is ,and how it came to be. The way it speaks to you and as it lives within your mind , it's very being may be completely opposite of what you may be ,and that's the beauty of it ,the fact that it's different but it still deems to exist. That's art, it's rarity and it's way of just existing. Just like the drawing above. It may be nothing specifically or mean nothing in general but it's way of it having flowing lengths and it's very existence is just art; because to us as humans it may spark creativity ,and curiosity for you to make it mean what you want it to mean. Art is just the one thing that sparks your mind into emotion, creativity or curiosity.