Guess her uncle’s attempt to scare her with a pig’s head at the foot of the bed backfired horribly 🤣 (true story that happened to my sister in law when they were kids and were visiting their uncle’s farm 🤣 except unlike Buta my sister in law screamed lots 😆)
Have you been busy at work lately? That’s usually why time seems to pass faster 😆 or maybe it’s just me that feels that way as there’s never ending stuff to do and not nearly enough is stuff that I want to do 😅
Sounds like you’re finding your pace which is good, I’m not keen on the smell of burnt spiders 😜

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Hahahahahah your sister-in-law XD Must have given her a bit of a fright! What an uncle they have ! XD
Hmm, work has been okay a bit slow in fact, but I guess I've been busy with stuff, so that's probably why time feels fast, but time always feels faster in the second half of the year for me :O
Burnt spoders are no bueno, for sure!