Preparation of flash cards for the first time: Extending Knowledge (Topic: Air pollution)
Hi Steemit!
Recently we, the students of food science and technology, have been assigned to create flash cards,poster, and leaflet/folder in the extension and communication management course.
This assignment was given to every students of our class. As a part of the assignment I just finished making the flash cards. Before going to depth, I want to tell you a little about flash card.
What are flash cards?
"Flash cards are the series of drawings or pictures or cartoons on cards that shown in sequence emphasize important points in a talk. Each individual card is flashed before the audience accompanied by the verbal commentary "
what criteria are needed to be a flash card?
- contains a single idea with several interrelated and systematically arranged phases
- Should tell the message at a glance
- Should be colorful and should attract attention
- Should be carefully planned, brief in wording and simple in design.
- Should motivate the observer to action or to change his attitude.
These informations are collected from the lecture of our respected course teacher Mr. Sohel Rana, Assistant Professor,
Department of Agricultural Economics and Social Sciences,
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine,
Chittagong Veterinary and Animal Sciences University.
My efforts to prepare flash cards:
1. At first it was challenging for me to select topic which will be simple but provide high significance.
2. After some research I selected "Air pollution " as a topic for my flash cards.

Instruments required:
1. Art paper 2. Three color pens 3. Marker 4. Pencil 5. Eraser 6. Scale 7. Mathematical instruments etc.