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RE: How to Paint Photo-Realistic - my painting "Big Fingers I" step by step

in #art7 years ago

Cute little frog! Admirable how you can paint such a realistic small painting. Maybe you should have held your finger next to it, but the one with the palette and brush also serves to illustrate the size.
I had a little frog like that living under the kitchen window of my house in Canada. It is a shaded corner, with evergreens covering most of the area and a large rock that got dripped on by a leaking water tap.


Oh cute! :D
As much as they love singing you can be happy if they find a new home under the kitchen window and not somewhere near the bedroom...
Did you keep it to forcast the weather for you? :)

no, never thought of that - and I didn't keep it, it kept me, lol.
But some time ago when the tap stopped leaking, he disappeared. There was a little depression in the rock that held water, and he would just sit there getting his feet wet.