Collaboration with Internationally Recognized Drummer, Jonathan Ulman

in #art7 years ago (edited)

Hi all, another collaboration here -- this one's a painting I made for internationally recognized drummer Jonathan Ulman. Highly recommend checking out the music on his website. I found him through instagram, offered to do the collab, and he was super enthusiastic about the idea and really encouraging along with way.

_final Ulman.png

This piece was super fun to paint. I wanted to make it bold and confident, but in an understated, loose, relaxed way. Below is my process.









Hope you enjoyed!



I love the colors! Reminds me of the art direction in Inside (the game by Playdead)

Thank you so much! Just searched up the game, and I'm flattered hahaha -- I love the art style...

It's a gorgeous game! You should give it a run sometime, it's pretty short ;)

I will! Once I get a free moment hahaha

Dude! This is excellent! It is funny, I recognize that expression as one I wear sometimes when I play music (I know this from watching video of myself). That is the "in the pocket" expression. This man is in the pocket. In the groove. A thousand miles away and RIGHT HERE FULLY at the same time - that is what truly "playing" music means.

Much love - Carl

Thank you! Beautifully put. It's quite a feeling. I wish I had more free time to sit down at the piano...

Now, this is excellent art! Love everything about it - from the pose to wash of color in back. You have serious style, Teddy; keep up the good work.👌🏼

I admire your style and voice as well :) Thank you so much! It's fun to bounce around between lighthearted illustrations and more technical paintings (and everything in between)...

Cheers, man, impressive range!