
I'm actually not comfortable calling him out as he continues this spree. All I can do is educate others that there are tools that we can use to determine if we should give away our valuable upvotes and resteems.

Before calling someone out in person you can always report to Steemcleaners and other channels labeled "abuse" on

Once you think you actually want to confront/downvote the users posts, please consider what that users downvotes might do to your account. If you're using or to connect to Steem, then maybe it's no big deal. But if you use Steemit, then you need to take into account that this other users downvotes could collapse (ie minimize or "hide") your posts. Your reputation score could also take a hit.

How votes affect you depends on the other users reputation score and Steem Power in comparison to yours.

Many Steemit users also have several and sometimes conflicting unwritten rules that they try to adhere to and hold others accountable to when it comes to downvoting. For a quick insight into how Steemit user might think about the matter, you can click the "flag" icon once on a post or comment and see the Steemit guidelines for such "flagging".

Someones steem power effects how their downvote counts against you, is that really true? I thought if your reputation is higher then lower rep users cant hurt you, is there a place to find the info on that?

A higher rep person won't has their rep hurt much (to almost not at all) by someone with lower rep. However the amount of Steem Power held by the flagger does still effect payout. They're essentially separate mechanics. Reputation isn't something actually on the blockchain, only on The rep we see here isn't available to other sites like or chainbb.

I do have a post that get's into this with some more depth (even a bit of over the top mathy parts, lol).

Thanks Ill take a look later

The rep we see here isn't available to other sites like or chainbb.

To be precise, the rep shows, but so do downvoted posts and comments.

I gotta be honest with you here, the reason I wrote that the way I did was that I still don't know the details too well. For mer personally, they're very easy to forget over time.

I think only high rep users can hurt a lower rep users rep, but I'm not sure how exactly SP plays into the rep or hiding posts. I'll ping @sykochica here and in the Guides channel on, because I'm not sure if there's a post explaining this.

Cool I actually asked over here but no-one who knows was reached with the post

Yes, I upvoted that post but didn't resteem it yet... done! If you find straight answers to all scenarios, let us know in the channel maybe.

I've check with others users and @l0k1 reminded me only higher rep users can negatively affect the rep of a user. SP doesn't enter into that particular equation.

Rather the rep is a limit on how SP can be used.

Hope I got that right =)