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RE: The Veneer of Civilisation

in #art8 years ago

It's so strange how civil, civilize, and civilization are all used to refer to humans and yet we're the specie that wage wars and invent methods of how to deliver a larger scale of destruction. The art is a good representation of war (for me). The blood red sky, the dust of battle in the air stirred up by the clash of humans (the darker shades) below. You can't make out the soldiers because all there is in war is the chaos (and confusion) like the dust dispersed about. And the humans are simply the dark shades really, a shadow representation of how dark human nature can be while the blood red sky stays a silent witness to how much life has been taken. It's an emotional piece for me. I can't even begin to describe how much this moved me.


I think most animal species would probably wage war if they could organize enough to do it. Pack dynamics are brutal.

I agree. I suppose it's why I put "civilization" as one tag used for humans. I might look it up if terms like that had been used on animal packs, pride, etc. I know "social" is a word used on ants and bees and they destroy competition, too, but I'm not sure about other animal species.

Sad but true. We wage all sorts of wars and even fight in wars that aren't our own, fight for ideals that may have only been passed on to us. Heck even on the internet, forums could get bloody over nothing. So much for humans being "civilized". Must be the primitive part of us that still thrives on being on battle mode. Nice gif. I thought it was a still pic as it didn't move in my buggy phone browser.

The notion that we are civilized is a laughable one. I prefer the term coined by (I think) Robert Anton Wilson, "Domesticated Primates",which is incredibly accurate, IMHO.

Wow I don't think I have anything to add to your superb interpretation.

wow! you're getting better at this!
I love the small dots details
and the tones
before I clicked on it I thought it was a croc with its mouth open and the red is just blood ..
sorry must be extreme but at first glance that was really what I thought
till I clicked and read .. but I still wonder :D

Thanks. I deliberately mixed some different colours that look like venous and arterial blood. Venous tends to have more of a black/blue tinge to it (even after exposure to air) and arterial has a very bright colouration.

Run as you may! You cannot escape...the Almighty Bunghole!

Much as I love Beavis and Butthead please stop this spam.

Do you have T.P. for my bunghole? I would hate for my bungholio to get polio.

Ah, sorry I may have gone overboard. But it was all I could see in the art even minutes after staring at it. I actually had a moment of zoning out feeling all sad and whatnot over it asI also imagined it like a place having just been bombed. It's a heavy piece really. Could be the heavy colors but it sure did pack an emotional punch.