Original Art Photography Series by @velimir #173 'The Blue Books Dream'

in #art7 years ago

The name of this art photograph is: 'The Blue Books Dream'

Sometimes, I find my inspiration in dreams. Or even in that very place between sleeping and being awake, where everything is possible. Sometimes, dreams find me, and then they are usually more than dreams. I often ask myself if we are all living in a dream and waking up when we fall asleep. Life might be made of fabrics from someone else's dreams. And then I relax. Not knowing the answer to relaxes me, somehow. Then again, we are all able to dream. Maybe we've even dreamt each other into existence. :)

Well, not all of us. Once, I met an elderly French lady in Amsterdam. We were both attending a seminar. I cannot remember how did conversation lead to that, but I remember telling her that I dream almost every night and that my dreams are like films, vivid and alive. She just shook her head and silently said: "Oh, poor man."
That surprised me quite a bit.

-"Why poor man?", I asked.
-"Oh, it must be horrible," she replied.
-"No, it is not horrible. I love dreaming."
-"I never dream," she says.
-"Never?", I smiled, "What do you mean?"
-"Like I told you."
-"You mean you never had a dream?"
-"Yes, exactly so."
-"Never, ever?"

She explained that she's never had a dream in her entire life and that it must be a scary thing to see pictures and events while sleeping. The only experience of dream sequences she's ever had are the ones she watched in movies. I've never met anyone like that before or after. Well, not that I go around asking people if they dream... or how.

I love to dream. Most of the times I remember my dreams through the day. They slowly fade but I still remember some scenes long into the day. What about you? What kind of dreams do you have?

This abstract photo shoes blue books flying in a dream. (American lawyers, no pun intended! :D) Therefore, saturated colours and strong blue. The books are flying over two shapes of magenta and red. The blue dominates and defines the nightish atmosphere. I specifically like the shadows that books create one upon other. They are the darkest element and a source of tonal contrast. Pay attention to the little sprinkles of cyan. I think the invisible fabrics of dreaming must be cyan. This is the dream-colour. Ask me why and I'll have to say that I honestly don't know. It just feels so to me. :)

I love the vignetted corners, as you probably noticed if you follow my blog. They have the power to close the composition and give it a vintage look. I still remember the day when my professor at the academy showed me how to make these in the darkroom. Yeah, real darkroom. I think Photoshop 1.0 just came out that year. I can already hear you laughing, yeah... :P

It is always difficult to add a meaning to a dream, just as hard to explain a photo of a dream. Unfortunately, dreams are, sometimes, just dreams... Only to be dreamed.

Enjoy and have nice dreams tonight! :)

©2018 Velimir Kovačić All rights reserved.

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Although the subject doesn't move, your subject is vivid and alive! I like blue and being saturated makes it even better. - Just like this fighting fish. My friend @j-alhomestudio told me that he's inspired by your photos. You just might want to check his page. Thanks!

Interesting objects :D

"Chromostereopsis is a visual illusion whereby the impression of depth is conveyed in two-dimensional color images, usually of red-blue or red-green colors, but can also be perceived with red-grey or blue-grey images" -Wikipedia
I think your photograph is one of the best examples for this illusion I've ever seen.

In cinematography and art, we call it space, meaning depth, created by colours. :) I thought about writing about it but thought it was too advanced for the general audience. Thank you very much for pointing this out! :)

@velimir you're very sensible for explaining this profound art of yours into some simple few works, that layman could certainly relate.

Thank you!

I agree with you this piece does have sort of a vintage look. It reminds me of some of Picasso's art that utilizes shapes, textures and colors in his composition. I really appreciate the richness of color you have used in the blues, pink, purples, and dark blues. Like with other of your work the meaning that you draw from it can change a lot according to the perception of the person who sees it. As far as dreaming..I look forward to doing it every night and find that dreams can be very meaningful and even prophetic. You can understand a lot about the subconscious mind by analyzing ones dreams and art is the same way: a window into the subconscious.

I do know that everyone do dream and according to current theories it's an important part of sleeping, if we talk about it from a clinical point of view.
But I also do know that I seldomly remember any of my dreams, I remember a few and most of them are of the scary type - maybe the rest of them are not significant enough for me to remember or they are pleasant in an easy going way so I just don't remember them as they not significant enough, I can't really tell :) I do remember a few good dreams from my childhood and I don't think I will ever forget them.

What I really feel gives the feeling of a dream in the picture, apart from the general dreamlike colors, is that the effect you used, the combination of colors and the shadows are all making the books to look as if they are flying in the air, floating there closed yet full of mysterious pages, waiting for us to come again in the depths of the night and open them at some random page, dive into their mysterious unearthly content - and that content can be whatever our heart or brain desire, as we can see - the book has no letters defining and restricting him to a certain meaning or theme. Some say we dream about the things we thought about during the day - but I feel it is more like our mind is weaving crazy tales that combine and merge practices of the reality into something new and magical - good or bad, yet mysterious and fascinating.

Thanks for the interesting photo and for the thoughtful words velimir!

I went to a Jewish religious shrine in the Ukraine one September (around, the the time of our New Years), came back to Jerusalem and dreamt that 'Higher Beings' asked and then, without my permission, made me' feel' my 'spiritual level'. I saw no blue or other color. Rather I felt what was a surge of some kind of electricity. It actually hurt.

Beautiful! The blue colors that you have chosen really do depict a dream. From what I know, the only part of your brain that is shut down completely when you sleep is the one that processes logic. That's why most dreams don't make sense but in the same time not having logic removes the limit on your creativity.

Sleep is the half of death. It is a word in Asian countries. Sleep at the same time to relax and reset the brain. How many minutes of mind activity do you think of dreams?

Hello @velimir ..... I feel alive reading this wonderful post of yours.

The name of this art photograph is: 'The Blue Books Dream'

Adding to what you meant by the word DREAM
A dream is a succession of images, ideas, emotions, and sensations that usually occur involuntarily in the mind during certain stages of sleep. The content and purpose of dreams are not fully understood, though they have been a topic of scientific speculation, as well as a subject of philosophical and religious interest, throughout recorded history.
Dreams mainly occur in the rapid eye movement (REM) stage of sleep.

Back to the woman who said;
"she's never had a dream in her entire life and that it must be a scary thing to see pictures and events while sleeping"

I believe everybody dreams but not all remembers when he/she wakes up…

When brain activity is high and resembles that of being awake. REM sleep is revealed by continuous movements of the eyes during sleep. At times, dreams may occur during other stages of sleep and when it happens, there is possibility for the host to be lost in his/her sleep(dream) because these dreams tend to be much less vivid or memorable.
So i believe that everybody dreams but not all remember when awake

Thank you for this wonderful post once again

This is a great post, and I love what your dreamed inspired you to create. I dream so vividly. Most times I literally have to get my bearings as I am awakening to know if I was dreaming or if this was really happening.

I began to realize that our dreams are us sometimes in other dimensions, other timelines, experiencing all at once. Like we are fractal expressions all in this Universe with unique energy signatures. Like I will be talking to someone I know well, but their appearance will be completely different than what they look like here and now. Sometimes my dreams are even premonitions of what is to come in the near future.

Dreams are truly a window into our souls, I feel more so than the eyes.

Thank you for inspiring me to share. x

Well, I have to say, I dream a lot, in fact I think I dream every night but I don´t remember all of them when I wake up. But my sister is like the lady you knew. She told me she didn´t dream until recently. She hadn´t have a dream in her entire life until now... It sound so strange to me, because I am use to dream. I have even dreamed things that happened in the future. My dreams are so vivid, the colors, the feelings, sounds, everything except the smells and taste of things are in my dreams.

I have read dream interpretation books, but they have not seemed serious to me. I believe that dreams is the only way to connect with an ethereal world that surrounds us but that we do not perceive when we are awake, or it is very difficult. It is a great theme... love it.