Neytiri and Katniss Everdeen fusion inspired ART of a woman in not so happy world―sketching and detailing pictures available!

Happy new year Steemians! This art was supposedly an entry to an art contest here in Steemit, and I didn't get to submit this before the deadline. (elder sister got a little bit busy to post this on time and we don't have internet at home)

I get my inspiration from the avatar movie. I like the blue skin of the Na'vi people. According to a fandom website...
The color blue of Na'vi skin is due to the presence of the Cyanin pigment. It will become darker purplish color after being exposed to the sunlight for a long period of time.

It's an awesome movie that portrays the interruption of foreigners as they destroy nature to shoo the natives away for the purpose of doing their own dirty business. It already happened and still happening in various places of this planet. Even here in the Philippines.

I never forget that blue also represents sadness. This woman is sad as the blue ocean destroyed by some cruel humans.

Look how unhappy her eyes is, if mother nature has a face I think she is as sad as this.
no tricks! Plain traditional art.

And that's it! I hope that you didn't get bored appreciating my works. Please stay tuned for another piece from. See you all again next time. Steem on! Let's have a great year ahead!

That's hard work, nice job!