The image is made of own imagination and thoughts

in #art6 years ago (edited)

Digital art made by @xpilar

Outer Space 10 serie 15 A.jpg

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Wondering what your thoughts and description are from my picture

If you want to write a story,
it mus be related to my picture
and maybe you get a good upvote from me


Hi @xpilar l, this is my description of your image.

At dusk, when some of the earth's inhabitants are sleeping and some are busy with their activities. In space, a plane from another planet is lurking in the activities of the inhabitants of the earth.

According to information we got from the intelligence team that had worked on the spacecraft about 7 years ago, this aircraft would invade Earth's inhabitants in 2054 AD. This coincides with their king's birthday. Every king they celebrate a birthday, there must be a planet that successfully invaded. The planet they inhabit is about 100 light years from Earth, where the planet rotates with the sun to count the days longer. So according to our calendar, one year they are equal to 78 years on earth. Finally they invaded planet Meriv, which was 700 light years away from earth in 1976 AD. And it coincided with the birthday of their 49th king. For the king's 50th birthday, the majesty said to invade the earth as a 50th birthday gift for the king.

But the rotten plan of the inhabitants of the planet has long been smelt because we have 2 intelligence people working on the spacecraft. They are actually part of the planet. But they did not agree with their king's wish to invade the earth, so they defected and spread information about the planned invasion to the UN headquarters. So that the UN in this case representing the inhabitants of the earth had anticipated their plans by preparing troops that had begun to be sent into space in secret. They are now placed on the moon and are building a military base there.

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thanks for your great description @anroja

You're welcome sir

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Hello Mr. Xpilar, I'm feeling so exited to make a comment to your post, because this my first word on this steemit community. Hope you all welcome me very positively and hope i will advised by you all in the journey of my steemit community...

Why I choice Mr. Xpilar for my first comment:

In my life i have seen lot of artist to represent their self in very complicated way, and many love to say like that, singing is on my blood, art on my blood, cricket on my blood, football in my blood, i think this is the wrong way to present yourself to other's. Because your attitude will express what you are, your talent will say that what you are. Talent is never be on our blood, we should make it with our hard work, passion and patience. So i love those artist who are really become artist by their hard work and talent although i do never believe on talent because if you have the facilities to do those what you love, and i'm damn sure that you will be the successful in this field. So that here i want to mention one name @shadonchandra my Elder brother, He is the most inspiration for me in the whole world. I think he is not from this planet, he is from different planet, in my whole i never found any one like him, because he always thinking about other's, always thinking how to he can helps others, he just never thinking for himself ever, if i'm here, only for him. He is in steemit from a long time and a great blogger, he never tell me about it although he know that there have great possibility for the artist, because it will be not good for my study, after my hon's final exam he told me about steemit and able to convince me. Firstly he told me about Mr. Xpilar a great digital artist, i'm using Maya and Autocad for my sculpture design, i also know about the VUE atmosphere design but never try it. My Elder brother was absolutely right, you are great digital artist Mr. xpilar. Here i can learn a lot of thing form you. So i decided make my first comment on your post.

Language of Art is the Language of Life


If the language of any art is only the language of any artist then there will not any kind art in the world. Art is language that can understand by every people of different language, it's a language of life, So this is the better way to tell about you, about your society, about your country, about humanity, about history, about science, about our thinking with art. For great example Mr. Xpilar doing the same, he is person from norway but he telling us his thought through his language of art. So pray for me that i can Share my thought and through my only language of art.

Thank you All, and Wishing you all a great day..

Hi @uttambarman

Wish you welcome to the Steemit community

I appreciate your mention of my digital art
and what you tell about what art is

I'm really speak less, What a welcome for me, really this the power of community, it's make me more crazy about steemit.

Nice to hear @uttambarman


Some time ago Daniel invented a machine to travel inside the human body, invented a pill to minimize its size ... One day he had a terrible headache and mistakenly took the minimizing pills and little by little he became so small, but not having his travel machine at hand his body began to float, they were so small that the breeze carried him flying, floating ... Daniel was really scared, his small heart beat a thousand.
It was so small that the particles of earth were of its size, so much breeze saw it float next to it, leaves, balls, flowers, cottons but the most surprising thing was the sunset, he was surprised by the experience so great ... his luck while floating near a lake so clean and crystalline, that reflected the beautiful sun the effect of the pill step and fell to the water, was an average-sized man who lived the most incredible experience, could fly on earth without no machine.

Hi @jdbs

thanks for your great story

You are very observant and good at seeing an artistic process. When I saw this digital artwork, I seemed to be re-entering a space of time where I had seen it before. Artwork is part of your creative process in making a work. Painting an object with a different perspective, your funds are very detailed in making it. As if dejavu had struck me. I entered the room that I had seen before. At that time, about 10 days ago I visited this place and I did a lot there. The scene that I saw from the other side has become clearer. At that time I only saw it as a satellite image from space. What looks like is just the form below.
Try to look more carefully. This place is the same place. Ornaments and structure of the same building. When I looked closer I became more aware that I was exploring in the same place, but different rounds. But by going into this dimension I can approach and even see the entire structure of this building. An inter-dimensional portal bridge that can connect intergalactic. This reminds the varol bridge or synapses on nerve cells that become a barrier between one cell and another cell. The bridge between the galaxy is the door to the entry and exit of residents across the galaxy. From this place people can move to another dimension. Of course this requires super modern technology.

in this place there is a careful examination of anyone who does not move dimensions. All are done to maintain the balance of nature and not to damage the portal during the journey to one dimension.

At the end of the comment I just add these words. i hope you accept it.
electron jumps can be faster
moving dimensions is no barrier
to a different time
like a dream

my dejavu is first
in control of the universe
handle technology the world ruler
all well measured

but it's empty I guess
there is no essence that I get
everything is empty
because I don't hold anything

Thank you @xpilar
Warm regard from Indonesia

Hi @rokhani

thanks for your incredible description

You are welcome. I see that your work art has different looking from other perspective. It is a great art work. You create an art work with several vision.

Corriente de Cambios.

Un entorno pesado y sombrio estàn dejando los pies del hombre en la Tierra, por ello, una fuerza externa està preparando una visita exploradora que muestre el nivel de deterioro de ese planeta.

Todo vislumbra un cambio, el hombre serà absorbido para darle paso a otra especie, una nueva forma de vida se irà procreando para recuperar y salvaguardar el planeta Tierra y el sistema solar.

Una capa de ozono dañada, deja ver el desastre con que el hombre ha manejado los recursos naturales. Aguas contaminadas, una flora altamente intoxicada y escasez de vida animal son los puntos màs criticos que marca la actualidad del entorno terrestre. Pronto llegarà el cambio para reestablecer el orden en ese espacio del universo.

thanks for your great description @jadnven

Controlling minds.

A universal control system has been launched into space, the great empires are seeking to control the brilliant minds of this world.

Everything is aimed at finding all the people with high IQ to be controlled by means of a cerebral photo receiver and to be captured for their imperial army.

It is a kind of magnetic wave able to be introduced in the brain and to calculate according to the capacity of generation of ideas an index of immediate intelligence, the system of control allows to control the minds with small magnetic pulses directed to neutral neurons to clear them of their own control and to respond now to a behavior programmed necessary for the ends arranged by the imperial army.

Controlando las mentes.

Un sistema de control universal se ha lanzado al espacio, los grandes imperios están en busca de controlar las mentes brillantes de este mundo.

Todo està direccionado a encontrar a todas las personas con coeficiente intelectual alto para ser controlado por medio de un foto receptor cerebral y ser captado para su ejército imperial.

Es una especie de onda magnética capaz de introducirse en el cerebro y calcular según la capacidad de generación de ideas un índice de inteligencia inmediata, el sistema de control permite controlar las mentes con pequeños pulsos magnéticos dirigidos a neuronas neutrales para despejarlos de su propio control y responder ahora a un comportamiento programado necesario para los fines dispuestos por el ejército imperial

thanks for your great description @adeljose


Between the universe,
There are 9 god countries,
Separately is
Greek god country /
Western Heaven /
Buddhism /
East soil /
Pharaoh /
Astra Country /
Mutith Kingdom God /
Gold Jinwu /
Land tree God /
This painting is a description of the meeting of the nine great God countries.

thanks for your thoughts / description @cloudblade