The image is made of own imagination and thoughts

in #art6 years ago

Digital art made by @xpilar

byen i ruiner 1 A.jpg

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Wondering what your thoughts and description are from my picture

If you write a good story from my photos, you may get
a good upvote from me and my friends


What an incredible design art from you Snr. @xpilar

The journey of no return.

There is a certain village sometimes ago who was planning to enthrone new Oba (King) on their village, there were many many contestant for this position of king, but according to traditional whenever a need for new king to be enthrone; leaders from the community will consult Ifa (Oracle: Traditional) to choose the right candidate for them, when leader's arrived home from Ifa priests, they choose the one among the contestants to be the new king, this king reign for just a year and died.

From the traditional rules of this community; if king dead early while on throne, the next contestants will journey to the forest called "Igbo Ori" this forest is kinda related to traditional rites, those contestant has to look for staff and crown in this Igbo Ori, immediately king die at early age on the throne , king staff and crown will be disappear from king palace to this tradition forest "Igbo Ori" all the contestants ready for the challenges, there was a certain young man among the contestants many people were mocking him; alot of discouragement there and there but this boy didn't moved.

Journey commence; everyone was on his own fighting for the glory! They were supposed to cooperate but because of selfish reasons they all went separate ways while in the forest, this boy called their attention they supposed to be in one accord (Unity) but many of them didn't reasons with him; few days later many were not able to continue their journey, some dead already, but this small guy didn't tired of looking, alot of challenge with evil encounter spirit but because this small harken to the instructions given to them! The time of trial come three of the contestants that were alive struggling alot but two were able to overcome the trial.

Those two are the lucky one, one pick king staff in the powerful house in this terrestrial forest and this young guy picked the crown, while they are on the way back home, this young boy agree that the older contestants to become king but this older won't believe him he thought maybe this small guy was planning to kill him so he could become king! This older man planned to kill this young guy so he could stand with no contestant, he pretends as if he wants to toilet in the forest, he got the big tree and smarch it on this young guy from behind! This guy fainted but this older evil man thought he died; I picked up the two King power right (staff and crown) he went home, on the coronationfor him to become official kind!

This young guy came in the village while the ceremony's ongoing when this evil older man saw him at a distance coming he fainted on the king throne, everyone was confused but this boy shield light to everything that happened in the terrestrial forest, everyone was shouting haa haa calling the older man evil; eventually this young man emerged as the king of this village, during his reign this village turn to town , uncountable improvement and opportunities for people in his town! Behind every faithfully, commitment and dedication everything is possible!

Thanks for share your great work with us.


Although fictional and imaginative, it has a beautiful and distinctive meaning @xpilar
Imagination is a private world that is made in the subconscious mind comes as a wish we have not yet happen Vntsour events before it happens or in the event we make a scenario of his own fantasy because it has no basis of existence and tangible reality in our virtual world is the simplest definition of the imagination and The most famous examples of fiction are American science fiction films. These films are based on visions of the future and the developments in science and technology, in the environment in which people live and other things, but this is not the main subject.Imagination, but it was an example of the expression of imagination and what it means and is often associated with the imagination of the future because we put a vision of things that may occur and may not occur, if we thought it will certainly occur in this case does not call imagination but the perception and development and planning either in the case of a virtual perception may occur and may not happen Or will never happen here we use the formula of imagination because it is not concrete now or later no one knows.
Sometimes the imagination may make you smile from the bottom of your heart.
Forgetfulness is the training of imagination to respect the reality.
Addicted to the abuse of imagination when we do not satisfy reality.
Even if it was just fantasies enough that it pleased me every day.
We have another life in fiction.
There is nothing wrong with the imagination as long as it makes us happy.
When we do not satisfy reality, we regret the use of imagination.
In the imagination of every female man loves him, wish him, waiting for him, may meet him and may meet others keep that man who has mastered live in her imagination forever.
We love fantasy because it comes as we like.
Fantasy is a wonderful feeling, but we can not live it.
Sayings about fantasy.

Hi @simonblake

Thanks for your description with words about imagination

Great design @xpilar
When life is hard on us and we are in the way of predestination, we find ourselves shocked, weakened, oppressed, because of our despair and our inability to endure. We seek our hopes, our dreams, our humanity, our lost hope, which has become mirage in the real world, and we may find it in the world of the subconscious! Many questions from the world of reality start our minds, astonishment, puzzling, crying ... Who answers us ... do not know ?!
Many wish to escape from their reality to the realm of fantasy, to a fantasy world where they can not see or hear, but the voice of man calls for humanity because there are human beings who are in a manner that distorts his beauty. We will make a small trip to the world of fantasy, a world in which we live for moments, in which we forget the pain of life, where we meet those who are impossible to meet and see in reality. We travel to a world where there are no boundaries, walls or restrictions, a world devoid of malice, hatred, deceit, selfishness, lying, greed, opportunism, exploitation ... etc.

I closed my eyes to a dream how much I really wanted to come from deep down, and while I was thinking this between myself and myself, I suddenly stopped and heard a voice calling out to me and awakening me from my sleep and inviting me to a trip with him. I woke up appalled and said, "Who calls? "Ali replied," I ... do not be afraid. "I said again:" Who are you? " He said to me: "I will not say now that we finish our journey, I will tell you who I am"? I said: "Any trip and where ... did not answer me" ?! But between myself and myself I felt I knew him, and I heard the tone of his voice whispering in my ear before!

Hi @victoria6

Thank you for your thoughts and how you describe it

As always it is a pleasure to see your work, the rock walls made me think about Jordan's Petra, the documentary I saw recently, where the city was built up in stone and also they created their pipe system in order to collect rain water and pump them up to higher level. You picture reflect warmth and it feels like it is also somewhere in sough where the rocks covered with dry vegetation and water is just recently collected, so in near future there may be some green plants will be covering rocks too. Like the way you paid attention to sunny side of rocks in left and the shadow on right, beautiful color choice too. Cheers, @Stef1

Hi @stef1

Thank you for your thoughts and how you describe it

Great artwork </ h1>
How luasi and in the artwork you make. an imaginative digital work but has a meaning that cannot be known precisely except by you. Of course I as a beginner see with a perspective that might not be the same as you. However, from this idah work I can see that the flow of water through many roads and is filled with various activities as well as in this steemit. many ways you can do it by flowing and sending posts.
i just comment with this words. i hope you accept it

winding canals filled with water towards the ocean
surrounded by boats and roads with various means
broadcast your boat through one of the canals
you will pass a lot of coral
then you find various pleasures
beauty that you cannot believe
there are various mines that you can take home
results of work throughout the voyage
continue to the ocean
you will find a big port
then you exchange mines and fish until you're satisfied
go home bring happiness
via cruise in steemit oceans
don't be afraid to develop your screen
don't be afraid the corals will give you away.
I will continue to move forward
until you reach the destination

Thank you @xpilar
Thank you Steemit
Warm regard from Indonesia

Hi @rokhani

thanks for your thoughts and poems

What a wonderful work i feel like i in a boat in some river

What a wonderful
Work i feel like i in a
Boat in some river

                 - mrme1984

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

Hi @mrme1984

thanks for your thoughts and description

I do not know why this picture reminds me a little about Venice on one side and on the other hand to Egypt. The river itself has similarities with the rivers in Venice, with buildings that are stuck together, causing the river to look narrow. It is this narrow passage that reminds me of the narrow passageways in Italy that pass gondolas, while the surrounding area has some colors and features of the Egyptian pyramids. The environment reminds me of some warm weather, many sun, while the river itself gives the impression of some cold, winter, sharp time and I really like that contrast.

Hi @nesni996

thanks for your thoughts and description

Greetings friend @xpilar, Beautiful image!

Channels of survival.

In an old city where the oprecion was something everyday the myoria of the people wanted to go through a channels where you had to be strong to be able to achieve to move to the next city where freedom could be lived to the fullest. These channels, despite being a little difficult to cross, gave people strength to feel enough to keep fighting for their life goals.

Hi @michelduartes

thanks for your thoughts and description

@xpilar and his excellent work of digital atel.

My imagination takes me to a boat, in which I have many days sailing and I only see water everywhere, I feel lost, until at last my eyes reach to see a city, I feel a mirage and although I am tired I keep on sailing to see what is seen in the distance, when arriving is a really beautiful city, the entrance has a crystal clear water and some beautiful stone walls with a spectacular design, I keep sailing and inside I am waiting for many kind people who offer me help , food, clean clothes and a place to sleep, I feel I have arrived in El Paraiso

Hi @jennimorillo

thanks for thoughts and description