
You are welcome.. and glad you like what write about your excellent digital art.. your skills is great.... You can even use your skills to make a plan for new city.. Hehehe...

hehe, Nice to hear @davidad

You welcome... I didn't figure out yet tho where we gonna build the city but I have the name for the city (xpilardavsultan) hehehe 😀

hehe, the city (xpilardavsultan)

Yes I thought of giving it that sweet name three pillars that make up a digital city #xpilardavsultan but I think one pillar will be needed to make it four stronger pillar's. hehehe forth pillar? _____ no ideal hehe ..

Time for bed Snr. @xpilar the city still under plan we can't be up policing under plan project hehehe.. night sir.