Short Story "Historia corta" | Fear and freedom. "El miedo y la libertad."

in #art4 years ago


Diego corria por la ciudad sin saber a donde ir. En su cabeza solo el recuerdo de la noche anterior: el temor, su respiración agitada, el movimiento de aquel cuerpo encima de él. No podia hacer más que llorar al recordar aquello.

Lagrimas recorrian sus mejillas mientras que el frio del invierno erizaba su piel. Alli, en aquella plaza se desplomo. No tenia control ante la situación, se preguntaba constantemente ¿qué hacer?

Observaba las familias sonrientes, disfrutando sin siquiera darse cuenta de él. Familia, algo que el no conocia.

Su tio le cuidó desde que sus padres fallecieron a los 12 años y desde entonces todo se habia convertido en un completo infierno. Cinco años soportando aquello, cinco años de miedo y soledad, entregado a lo inevitable.

Pero aquel día algo se sintio diferente, su cabeza estaba vacia de todo pensamiento, era como si ya nada importase y era momento de darle un final.

Pasado las 9 de la noche, su tio entro como de costumbre al departamento, el olor a alcohol era notorio y apestaba todo el recinto.

— ¡Maldito niño! ¡¿Donde esta mi cena?!

Ninguna respuesta se escucho alrededor. El hombre tiro sus pertenencias en uno de los muebles y camino tambaleante hasta la habitación.

— ¡¿Quieres un poco de esto?!

Sujeto fuertemente su entrepierna y rapidamente fue desabrochando su cinturon mientras llegaba al cuarto.

— Aqui estas sucia perra...

Diego se encontraba postrado en la cama, completamente desnudo y boca abajo. Espectante, aguardando como siempre aquel momento. Su tio se acerco y le dio vuelta mientras con sus manos buscaba su trasero desnudo.

— Tienes esa maldita cara de la sucia de tu madre.

Diego no comentaba nada, solo lo observaba fijamente. Su tio le sujeto fuertemente e introdujo bruscamente su miembro dentro de él. Un grito de dolor salio de su boca y Diego sujeto fuertemente las sabanas mientras su tio se movia bruscamente dentro de si.

La risa de su tio se escuchaba fuertemente mientras en la radio se escuchaba el coro de Til It Happens To You:

'Til it happens to you, you don't know
How it feels
How it feels
'Til it happens to you, you won't know

La respiración agitada se hacia cada vez más fuerte, mientras que la musica alcanzaba su climax y Diego acercaba su mano a un costado de la cama:

'Til it happens to you, happens to you
Happens to you
Happens to you, happens to you
Happens to you (how could you know?)

Un sonido contundente envolvio la habitación y con ella la musica llego a su fin. Diego observaba el rostro de su tio mientras se desplomaba junto a él.

Alli, en aquella habitación todo llegaba a su fin. Diego salio de la habitación, completamente desnudo, camino hasta el pasillo y se dejo caer. Al fin era libre, libre de aquel temor, libre de aquella pesadilla, cada vez que cerraba los ojos podia verlo nuevamente mientras sonreia en la celda de aquella pequeña carcel, era libre al fin y solo él lo sabia. Su pecado trajo consigo un peso, pero sabia, que desde entonces nadie más pasaria por lo que él paso en aquella habitación durante 5 años. Su tio no podria hacer daño, nunca más.

Diego ran through the city without knowing where to go. In his head only the memory of the night before: the fear, his agitated breathing, the movement of that body on top of him. He could do nothing but cry at the memory.

Tears ran down his cheeks while the cold of winter made his skin bristle. There, in that square, he collapsed. She had no control over the situation, constantly wondering what to do?

He watched the smiling families, enjoying themselves without even noticing him. Family, something he did not know.

His uncle had taken care of him since his parents died at the age of 12 and since then everything had become a complete hell. Five years of enduring it, five years of fear and loneliness, surrendered to the inevitable.

But that day something felt different, his head was empty of all thoughts, it was as if nothing mattered anymore and it was time to put an end to it.

After 9 p.m., his uncle entered the apartment, as usual, the smell of alcohol was notorious and stank the whole place.

— Damn kid! Where's my dinner?!

No answer was heard all around. The man threw his belongings on one of the pieces of furniture and staggered into the room.

— You want some of this?!

He held his crotch tightly and quickly unbuckled his belt as he reached the room.

— Here you are, you dirty bitch...

Diego lay prostrate on the bed, completely naked and face down. He was looking forward as always to that moment. His uncle approached him and turned him over while with his hands he searched for his naked ass.

— You have that damned face of your dirty mother.

Diego didn't comment anything, just stared at him. His uncle held him tightly and thrust his member into him. A cry of pain came from his mouth and Diego held the sheets tightly as his uncle moved roughly inside him.

His uncle's laughter could be heard loudly as the radio played the chorus of Til It Happens To You:

'Til it happens to you, you don't know
How it feels
How it feels
'Til it happens to you, you won't know

The heavy breathing grew louder and louder as the music reached its climax and Diego moved his hand to the side of the bed:

'Til it happens to you, happens to you
Happens to you
Happens to you, happens to you
Happens to you (how could you know?)

A resounding sound enveloped the room and with it, the music came to an end. Diego watched his uncle's face as he collapsed next to him.

There, in that room, everything came to an end. Diego left the room, completely naked, walked to the corridor, and let himself fall down. At last, he was free, free of that fear, free of that nightmare, every time he closed his eyes he could see him again as he smiled in the cell of that small jail, he was free at last and only he knew it. His sin brought with it a burden, but he knew that from then on no one else would go through what he went through in that room for 5 years. His uncle could never hurt him again.

Image source | Fuente de imagen: link.


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