Artchallenge 22 entry: Observe and Listen
I was happy to be a guest judge last week in @aksinya's art challenge and this week I am happy to be back as a participant. The painting for interpretation this week is by Polish artist Rafal Olbinski. I was first struck by the painting within a painting and wanted to see if he was referencing someone else's work but I found his signature on the painting if you look closely, suggesting he is referencing himself. Here are two paintings of his that I think he is alluding to:
Clown. Source
Even though clowns are supposed to bring laughter to their audience, there are no smiles on the faces of the man and woman in this week's painting. The painting on the wall can also be a court jester. Court jesters are known to be clear-minded and able to see the farce of life. They often speak the voice of truth to the king and can break bad news to the ruler. Here, the jester is looking down at the couple. He can clearly see the reality of their broken relationship while the man below cannot because he is too focused on playing with the train set. The ridiculous-ness of the situation is highlighted by the fact that the man is wearing a business suit and hunched over the toys. I don't think the man is acting like a child necessarily. I think he is just too focused on his work, which may be that of a model train designer or a real train manufacturer. The fact that the tracks just go in a circle suggests that the man is running around in circles himself, unable to detatch himself from the meaningless, aimless work he is doing.
The painting of the clown/jester also has a bouquet of flowers. I think it suggests that instead of obsessing about work, the man should bring his wife flowers and show her his heart, just like the pianting of the clown looks like his robe is being opened like the curtains on the stage to reveal his vulnerable emotions that are hidden inside. There must be open communication between the man and woman for the relationship to work out.
The train tracks leading outside the door provide the glimmer of hope, if only the man could take that step to leave the confines of his work that is boxing him in the room while his wife is waiting for him outside. The dog she has on a leash symbolises loyalty, which means she is loyal to her husband and the marriage vows. However the fact that she is wearing blue suggests she is feeling depressed and worried about her husband and their future. How long must she wait? There is so much life outside! Smell the fresh air and listen to the leaves of the trees fluttering in the air! There's more to life than work, she says in her heart. Will he finally hear her deepest desires? Or will the sound of the train drown out her voice?
Such an interesting first painting and your interpretation of it rings so true as I read and look back at the ainting
Awesome post
Thanks for taking time to read my post! It was a thought provoking painting. I enjoy these art challenges very much.
I have to be honest I would never have looked so deep into the photo but as I read your words it all came so clear to me
Very penetrating interpretation.
Thank you
WOW!!!!!!!!!! Very interesting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And thank you very much for being a judge! it was pleasure!!!!!!!!!
Thanks. I love the art challenges
very good! thank you very much!
Thank you
Amazing interpretation.
Thank you!