3 Important Tips for Writing Articles that immediately Attract attention

in #article4 years ago

Dull content has its own designated place. That place could be Wikipedia, but it should not be your own blog or channel. So to avoid sounding archaic and boring, here are 3 Important Tips to immediately attract reader attention:

1) Title - Yes, the ' TITLE ' plays the most important part here. It is the first thing that readers lay their eyes on and that makes or breaks their contact with your article. But what is an Ideal for this ? None. A title could be anything, but it should not REVEAL more than what is in the article and create curiosity for the reader to actually click and read it.

2) READ more, to WRITE well : It's TRUE, you need to be an active reader to actual write something that is worth the reader's time. You need to DIVE in to various books, social media and blog maybe, to come up with a great TOPIC to engage your readers

3) Know your READER : Simple, as it may sound, this requires a lot of time. When you select a genre to write articles on like entertainment or World , make sure your readers are engaging and commenting on your articles. Soon, enough you WILL KNOW your audience and understand what works on your blog or platform.

These are probably the most basic tips , as the advanced tips are many like style of writing, voice of writing. But for starters, you can start with these 3 and go grab all the attention with your articles !