8th ARTstyleART Theme Announcement. FUTURISM + MOSCOW (or RUSSIA). 35 SBD to GIVE AWAY
I want to thank all the participants of the previous contest. Fantastic artworks! INDEED!
I am really impressed with your works and I want to invite you to explore more styles in art together not theoretically but practically.
This week we will have FUTURISM + MOSCOW (or RUSSIA).
It sounds challenging, isn't it?)))
The source for this style is literature. It is mixture of colours of fauvism and forms of cubism.
The futurists tried to show to the spectators a possible variant of urban future. The figures are split into fragments and crossed with sharp angles.
And MOSCOW (or RUSSIA) should be inspiration for your works. Some photos of mine for your inspiration:
- Upvote and resteem this post
- Make a post with your painting with the tag #artstyleart8 (Please check the spelling when you put a tag as there was one entry with the mistake in the tag but happily I have seen that work)
- Please specify in your post the category
painting (oil, watercolor, acrylic, gouache, markers, pastel etc), digital painting or digitally processed photo. - Leave a link with your post in the comment to my post
- The entry should be your original work (last time we had the unpleasant situation)
Please submit your works by 6 pm (Moscow time) of Sun, 16 July 2017.
Later on Sun I will make a post with all the entries to choose the winner! And on Monday I will announce winners and a new theme!
I would like to thank the amazing person @henry-gant for the constant support.
@henry-gant has already contributed 20 SBD for the new contest. Plus he has offered a challenge. He will match any one elses 10 SBD like he added 20 STEEM last time when @dcrockete donated 20 SBD!
The entries will show how it will be distributed.
I am also trying to build a Steemit Artists database. Please let me know if somebody is missing. And I am also sorry if I added somebody by mistake. Let me know and I would remove you from the list. If anybody doesn't want to be in the list, please let me also know. Thank you!
@aishwarya, @africangold, @aksinya, @alex-zerr, @allfabeta, @allforthegood, @anca3drandom, @anandkphoto, @aneblueberry, @andrew0, @andrianna, @anikanam, @allstarrunner, @aniestudio, @artguy, @artwithflo, @art21, @barbara-orenya, @billyjohnsonart, @camilla, @catsmart, @cgame, @chessmonster, @christiesnelson, @coloringiship, @comealong, @christiesnelson, @dana-varahi, @danilamarilu, @dazzles, @daydreams4rock, @dcrockete, @deborahmurphoils, @dksart, @drawingsbymilena, @dreemit, @dottie, @earthbound, @edgarsart, @elementm, @elewarne, @elgeko, @elena2017, @em3di, @englishchivry, @errymil, @everlove, @exe8422, @fayehalliday, @flowerpowerart, @fractalizer, @fumansiu, @funkit, @ginasarasini, @giraffeonskates, @girlbeforemirror, @goldenroom, @granturismo89, @gric, @groundcontrol, @gunni55, @harshalachopra, @havok777, @heartrose, @henry-gant, @hhelenbby, @hilarski, @hopehugs, @inber, @indiandigitizer, @izabellablue, @james7, @jameshsmitharts, @jameslano, @jangaladesigns, @janiceduke, @jankasparec, @jessamynorchard, @josephmoyers, @juanmiguelsalas, @juliakponsford, @jungwatercolor, @jyezie, @kalemandra, @karmashine, @katharsisdrill, @ken-and-jane, @krizia, @kryo, @lapstjup, @lauralemons, @leoplaw, @lighteye, @lightsplasher, @littlemozart, @lloyddavis, @louiscpt, @luckyfellow, @mada, @madlenfox, @mamadini, @marty-art, @mariandavp, @mechart, @mayasky, @meesterboom, @merej99, @michaelmcdermott, @michaelstobiersk, @mindfreak, @mikkolyytinen, @milenamilak, @mprgrmmr, @motivator, @mrssignificant, @mystisoul, @nadversion56, @naquoya, @natureofbeing, @nature.sauvage, @neonartist, @nicnas, @nikosgyftakis, @ninatochtaman, @nin0000, @nitan, @nonameslefttouse, @oceansoul13, @ocrdu, @offgridlife, @omwith, @onlyifisayok, @opheliafu, @paniopan, @paolobeneforti, @paulcolumbus, @peterheckmann, @pcste, @pixielolz, @phoenixmaid, @prakashghai, @prostosun, @pyrowngs, @rachelsvparry, @randolphrope, @rbennett, @reddust, @reneenouveau65, @revostrike, @richguy, @robyneggs, @rubens9119, @rubenalexander, @sanakumar, @saramiller, @seisges, @serkorkin, @sethlinson, @shady, @shortcut, @siloe, @silviabeneforti, @skapaneas, @stitchybitch, @sofi-m, @sopa-pekar, @soyjosluis, @spaceginger, @splus, @stargarden, @stephenking989, @straydays, @sourcebird, @sumsum, @supernalbeing, @synesthesia, @tarazkp , @tasartcraft, @thebatchman, @the01crow, @thedrollyears, @thetruthbomb, @therealpaul, @tracer-paulo, @toonpunk, @throughwindows, @trueart, @twirble, @ubik, @unusualconcept, @urielromeo, @verbal-d, @veronicavaldeon, @villainblack, @voodoolizard, @voronoi, @winstonwolfe @yadamaniart, @woman-onthe-wing, @woodywood143, @wordsword, @wvm, @xochicotta, @xtrodinarypilot, @yoganarchista, @yuccarose, @yusaymon, @yuslindwi, @zenithwombat.
Winners of ARTstyleART#7 28 participants, 33 enties
Winners of ARTstyleART 6 17 participants, 22 entries
Winners of ARTstyleART 5 11 participants, 12 entries
Winners of ARTstyleART 4 20 participants, 21 entries!
Winners of ARTstyleART 3 9 participants
Winners of ARTstyleART 2 14 participants, 17 entries
Winners of ARTstyleART1 8 participants, 9 entries
I can't wait to see your entries!!!!!!!!!!!!
I will be very happy if you want to support ARTstyleART!
I will also be very happy if you join my another contest where we give interpretation to different surreal paintings
ARTQUEST-TRAIL#17 (ARTchallenge) Theme Announcement. 700 TRAIL +20 SBD Prize Pool
Yours, @aksinya.
This is my submission:
Hi @aksinya,
Please found my entry :
This is awesome my friend.
Keep it up.
Wow, amazing buddy.
All the best.
Cool! Hope the weather in Moscow will do us good as well)
You've got such a nice scheme here resteeming all these beautiful pictures!)
thank you))
Woohoo I made in in time for this one! Here is my submission, thank you for having this challenge I'm not sure I did the style right but I had fun :) Medium is digital painting!
This is my work,
I really like your style on this one!
Thank you once again for this fantastic challenge. Definitely enjoyed this process a lot-here is my first entry for the artstyleart8 challenge, I hope you like it-super nervous/excited about this one :)
I have upvoted and resteemed, attached the art link below.
Amazing! Thank you very much!!!!!!!!!
I should be thanking you 😊
Hi! I have received 10 SBD from you! Thanks a lot! Is it for the contest?
Please send a message thru chat, if anyone has accepted the SBD challenge. I do get them, I'm unable to respond. due to travel.
I don't know of any other message service in Steemit.
If you do let me know.
Hi! Enjoy your vacation. thetruthbomb has contributed 10 SBD. Thank you for sending another 10!!! I will make a post later today! You are awesome indeed!
Hi Henry-grant, I wasn't sure so I directly contacted aksinya-I hope that is ok :)
I was in reply to Aksinya, I saw it in your chat.
everything is good. And many thanks for supporting the contest.
Pleasure is mine :)
Yes it is, I sent it in the chat that will send it-just a small contribution from me :)
You are fantastic, guys!
Hi @aksinya here is my entry https://steemit.com/artsytleart8/@errymil/8th-artstyleart-challenge-theme-futurism-moscow-russia-st-basil-s-cathedral
My entry @aksinya.
This one is super cool too, so many nice entries in this contest!
Finally got mine finished, did not have as much time as I would have liked to work on it but it came out ok :)

Yes, interesting theme! :-)
i knew you would love it))
I'll try to participate.
I look forward to seeing it))