
Thanks home slice!!!

@elainefaye @wolfnworbeikood @fatherearth Amazing to see you guys together and looking forward to see ya'll perform ✌ 💗 these connections man!

Ayeeee!!! So bummed I missed out last time!! Looking forward to when we're all together!!

No worries @elainefaye :) we gonna see each other 100% in the next years, say hi to Dookie, and watch out, that Dookie man is one amazing kind soul, one of the best people I've met

Very true. And that he is!

I can't WAIT to get this gang back together!!!!!!!!!

Seriously though!!! Me either! I wanna come to Columbus!!

You got a place to stay and places to play. So whats stopping you XD!!!!

An upcoming surgery at the moment lol. Nothing serious though. I'm thinking like spring... After the snow has gone away lol. It's happening though fo sho!

Good luck on your surgery. Spring in Columbus is always a blast!!

Sweetness! Huggins to you all ❤️🤗🎶

Dear Artzonian, thanks for using the #ArtzOne hashtag. Your work is valuable to the @ArtzOne community. Quote of the week: Art, freedom and creativity will change society faster than politics. -Victor Pinchuk

Looking good fam!!@wolfnworbeikood glad to see ya'll making so many moves man. I'm gonna meet the other half of Second womb @fatherearth eventually! Might even happen at these meet up or something, I'm still super new to the platform but MAN the growth and potential is amazing. Stay up yall and slay it!